*Republican.* A sitting *Republican* President is above the law. Because everyone knows a Democrat President is inherently illegitimate, so therefore this rule doesn't apply to them.
According to The Constitution, actions after impeachment are limited, but presidents can still be prosecuted for crimes. Then again, 6 members of SCOTUS don't care much for the Constitution: Thomas and Alito in particular. They will probably ignore the word "nevertheless" and argue that only impeached AND convicted presidents can be tried.
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
"If X, then Y" means "If not X, then not Y" does not follow. Substituting:
"If (a president is removed from office) then (they can be prosecuted)" means "if (a president is not removed from office) then (they cannot be prosecuted)"
Classic Denying the Antecedent logical fallacy. Kudos to Jay Kuo.
"Additionally his lawyers are arguing with a straight face that if the Senate does you a solid and fails to convict in an impeachment trial, former presidents cannot be prosecuted for any crimes listed in their impeachment. "
This was the part I thought was the stupidest.
Who's responsible for this? Habba Babba? Who yesterday before Donald the Child refused to testify spewed out that "only cowards hide" or some such nonsense before her client made her look like an even more complete fool?
Hope President Biden is making his wish list, to be ready for his first day of absolute immunity from everything forever, if the ruling goes alt right sideways (it shouldn't) but if it does ...Preparation meets Opportunity = Luck so be prepared! 💙
oh god, trump figured it out! the supes have ruled against smith in the past, so they can never find in his favor in the future! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Weird that he'd cite the McDonnell case here, when the Supremes basically said not everything an elected official does is an official act. That's the exact opposite of what PAB is trying to claim, that he has immunity for everything he did while Pres and everything before and after that as well.
It probably got blarped to him by Habba. Kise actually seems to be a real lawyer who's dealing with the bad hand he's purposefully grabbed on to, so I doubt it came from him. But who knows?
Never rule out this Supreme Court - there's at least three neocon ideologues on it and they could probably Bush v. Gore into some sort of very very very narrow "one-time only! Promise!" ruling.
Should a rich white man with power be treated just like you average 20-year-old black man?
If you are a supporter of Defendant "Vermin" Trump, the answer to that question is obvious. Heck, Alito and Thomas probably already have their opinion drafted!
Instead of playing it cool, showing the world that he has no respect for Jack Smith or the charges against him by ignoring them, PAB throws a strangely-worded public tantrum on a daily basis.
IANAL. Without knowing the specific legalities of this, my untutored gut reaction is that this is a brilliant move on Jack Smith's part.
Whining to his pet Supreme Court to overrule the other courts being mean to him was the ace up Trump's sleeve. Now that's been neutralized. Further, Jack Smith has frustrated and embarrassed Trump by stealing a march on him.
If PAB actually does prison time over this case, will anyone be joining me in getting a Jack Smith tattoo?
I'll buy a T shirt.
If SCOTUS determines that a sitting President is above the law, I hope Joe acts swiftly and thoroughly.
*Republican.* A sitting *Republican* President is above the law. Because everyone knows a Democrat President is inherently illegitimate, so therefore this rule doesn't apply to them.
According to The Constitution, actions after impeachment are limited, but presidents can still be prosecuted for crimes. Then again, 6 members of SCOTUS don't care much for the Constitution: Thomas and Alito in particular. They will probably ignore the word "nevertheless" and argue that only impeached AND convicted presidents can be tried.
"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
"If X, then Y" means "If not X, then not Y" does not follow. Substituting:
"If (a president is removed from office) then (they can be prosecuted)" means "if (a president is not removed from office) then (they cannot be prosecuted)"
Classic Denying the Antecedent logical fallacy. Kudos to Jay Kuo.
That seems pretty damned clear.
"Additionally his lawyers are arguing with a straight face that if the Senate does you a solid and fails to convict in an impeachment trial, former presidents cannot be prosecuted for any crimes listed in their impeachment. "
This was the part I thought was the stupidest.
Who's responsible for this? Habba Babba? Who yesterday before Donald the Child refused to testify spewed out that "only cowards hide" or some such nonsense before her client made her look like an even more complete fool?
Hope President Biden is making his wish list, to be ready for his first day of absolute immunity from everything forever, if the ruling goes alt right sideways (it shouldn't) but if it does ...Preparation meets Opportunity = Luck so be prepared! 💙
shovel ready jobs...
Yeah. In the case of the MAGAts, in the form of Einsatzkommandos.
It is always important to use the proper tool for the job and one should always wear gloves when using a shovel. 💙
oh god, trump figured it out! the supes have ruled against smith in the past, so they can never find in his favor in the future! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Weird that he'd cite the McDonnell case here, when the Supremes basically said not everything an elected official does is an official act. That's the exact opposite of what PAB is trying to claim, that he has immunity for everything he did while Pres and everything before and after that as well.
It probably got blarped to him by Habba. Kise actually seems to be a real lawyer who's dealing with the bad hand he's purposefully grabbed on to, so I doubt it came from him. But who knows?
Never rule out this Supreme Court - there's at least three neocon ideologues on it and they could probably Bush v. Gore into some sort of very very very narrow "one-time only! Promise!" ruling.
Oh Evan, I'm sure you're mom is really worries about you!
He has 150 million supporters... if you count the Russians.
And his fans among the four million that PAB claims live in North Korea.
Ok Hillary, but that was proven in court to be false. You're trying too hard
The question is very simple:
Should a rich white man with power be treated just like you average 20-year-old black man?
If you are a supporter of Defendant "Vermin" Trump, the answer to that question is obvious. Heck, Alito and Thomas probably already have their opinion drafted!
"President Trump will continue to fight for Justice and oppose these authoritarian tactics." - Trump spokesperson.
Was that Trump spokesperson John Barron by any chance?
Wouldn't surprise me. He oft refers to himself in the third person.
Can you or I tell a judge you don't recognize its authority and will not going forward do anything the judge tells you to? I have doubts...
Instead of playing it cool, showing the world that he has no respect for Jack Smith or the charges against him by ignoring them, PAB throws a strangely-worded public tantrum on a daily basis.
Banana Republic.
With all this free advertising, is it time to buy GPS stock (Gap owns BR)?
When do we get to Final Jeopardy?
When you hear the music.
You may now thank me for the earworm.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
IANAL. Without knowing the specific legalities of this, my untutored gut reaction is that this is a brilliant move on Jack Smith's part.
Whining to his pet Supreme Court to overrule the other courts being mean to him was the ace up Trump's sleeve. Now that's been neutralized. Further, Jack Smith has frustrated and embarrassed Trump by stealing a march on him.
Iow, Smith trumped Trump.
What the sportsy folks call "doing an end run around him".
What the boxy folks call "a rope-a-dope."