Oh Great, Jack Smith And Supreme Court Both Doing RIGGED AND STOLLEN Election Interference To Trump Now!
Lotta ketchup getting flung at the walls of Mar-a-Lago, we reckon.
Special Counsel Jack Smith has really upset Donald Trump this time, and the Supreme Court isn’t making it any better. It’s sad because Smith is just trying to be helpful and speed his federal cases against Trump along in a timely fashion. Wouldn’t want Trump to die of old age before he gets to experience prison food or anything. Or to seize power in the 2024 election and make all these prosecutions go away by pounding his tiny fists on the table.
The Court announced yesterday afternoon that it would expedite Jack Smith’s request that it fast-track consideration of his petition over whether Donald Trump can be prosecuted for attempting to overthrow the Republic and overturn the election he lost, or whether he’s immune from that because the Constitution says whatever baby Trump wants, baby Trump gets.
To be clear, it’s not that SCOTUS has agreed to hear the case, but rather that they will put it on the top of their pile of cases to consider hearing.
“This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy: whether a former president is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office or is constitutionally protected from federal prosecution when he has been impeached but not convicted before the criminal proceedings begin,” Michael Dreeben, counselor to the special counsel, wrote in a petition before the court.
Can presidents be prosecuted once they’re no longer president, for acts they committed while president, like Mitch McConnell said after January 6? Or will Trump’s justices on the Court find in the Constitution where it says Trump can incite his followers to Bin Laden all over the Capitol and it’s fine, because he was president at the time? Indeed, are presidents gods? That is basically the question, and it’s basically what his lawyers are arguing. Additionally his lawyers are arguing with a straight face that if the Senate does you a solid and fails to convict in an impeachment trial, former presidents cannot be prosecuted for any crimes listed in their impeachment. As if these two things are in any way related.
Is that what “double jeopardy” means? Is that how this works, law students? Is it?
But hey, sure, it’s worth a try! You really never know what Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas might find in the Constitution, if they’re sucking Trump’s butt hard enough.
Back here on Earth One, the answer seems pretty obvious. So Smith went ahead and asked the Court right now, so Trump can’t waste one million years closer to his March trial date bothering every appeals court in the land asking the same question. Might as well just ask SCOTUS right now. Can Chief Justice John Roberts and the rest of the Court come in right now and dispense with Trump’s brutally stupid bullshit?
Courthouse News does note that one potential answer from SCOTUS could be to say this needs to wind its way through the normal judicial channels, starting at the DC circuit. That would be obnoxious. Therefore, Smith has also asked the DC Circuit, at the same time, to expedite its own proceedings on Trump’s appeal, while letting them know he also just asked the Supreme Court to go ahead and step in.
The Supreme Court has asked for a response from Team Treason by December 20. The DC Circuit has asked them to respond by tomorrow.
Everywhere Trump turns, there’s Jack Smith like “BOO!” How does he get to all these courts before Trump manages to waddle through the door?
This all started a few days back, on December 1, when the judge over the election-stealing case against Trump, Judge Tanya Chutkan, ruled that Trump is not a god, does not have eternal “presidential immunity,” and can indeed be prosecuted for crimes he commits, like some kind of regular citizen of US America. She wrote that the presidency does not give one a "lifelong ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ pass,” and that being president for four years didn’t give him the “divine right of kings.” Very rude of her!
Trump appealed to the DC Circuit, and his lawyers explained to the judge (in so many words) that his case was now on hold until a higher court comes along and puts the judge in her place.
“As a result of these authorities, all current deadlines must be held in abeyance until, at minimum, this motion is resolved. President Trump will proceed based on that understanding and the authorities set forth herein absent further order of the Court,” they wrote, using all the big lawyer words they could find in their Lawyering For Dummies book.
Is that how it works, law students? Is it?
Trump is completely fucking furious over all this, as you might expect. Here’s the press release from the campaign after Smith made the request to the Court yesterday:
"Crooked Joe Biden’s henchman, Deranged Jack Smith, is so obsessed with interfering in the 2024 Presidential Election, with the goal of preventing President Trump from retaking the Oval Office, as the President is poised to do, that Smith is willing to try for a Hail Mary by racing to the Supreme Court and attempting to bypass the Appellate Process. “Deranged” may need to be reminded that the Supreme Court has not been kind to him, including by handing down a rare unanimous rebuke when the Court overturned him 8-0 in the McDonnell case. As President Trump has said over and over again, this prosecution is completely politically motivated. It is an unprecedented attack against Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent—Banana Republic style! There is absolutely no reason to rush this Witch Hunt to trial, except to injure President Trump and his 150 million, at least, supporters. President Trump will continue to fight for Justice and oppose these authoritarian tactics." - Trump spokesperson
Cool statement. Jack Smith is so hellbent on interfering with the election he’s moving this right along and going directly to the Supreme Court, instead of letting Trump slow-walk it to death, something something, “Banana Republic” capitalized like the store, something something, Trump has 150 million supporters, LMAO go fuck yourself.
In another world, with a smarter and better and more American Supreme Court, we’d assume this was game over, at least for these particular tactical strains of Donald Trump’s pathetic stalling.
Guess we just have to hope Trump’s BS is too stupid even for this garbage Court.
[Courthouse News / Smith petition to SCOTUS]
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"The President is immune to prosecution"
President-For-Life OHJB: "Cool, I find Alioto, Thomas, Kegstand, Bony Carrot and Roberts guilty of treason. We're gonna need 6 more justices".
If Jack Smith fails before the US Supreme Court, I will personally pay his air fare to present his case before the International Criminal Court.
"Mister Smith Goes to the Hague" is a movie that I would watch.