Obscure reference twofer! Well played, sir! Well played!

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From what I have observed, and I've done some observing, not only do Commonwealth countries teem with these nutters, it's even invaded non-English-speaking countries in Europe and Asia, places which have never had a Magna Carta or a Uniform Commercial Code to worship piecemeal.

The beauty of being a cargo cultist is your odds of attracting cargo are exactly the same if you are in a place cargo has landed before or not, I suppose.

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You guys can't even read...yet report anything right lol, It's illegal to use a legal name THAT IS A FACT i.d.ots. Get educated instead of babbling on shit you cannot PROVE. lol

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Maybe it`s a message from outer space....Or you`re a moran who needs to be schooled in Occams razor.

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Ship liniment.

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"The persons who advance these schemes, and particularly those who market and sell these concepts as commercial products, are parasites that must be stopped."I love this guy.

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And yes, they do go on about that here too, I guess...http://private-person.com/b...

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I am so glad this crazy originated in Canada. ..but it's probably our fault anyway... I hate this sovereign citizen mofos

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"Is it scary that it’s spreading, or reassuring we’re not the only country with loons?"

Some of column A, some if column B.

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"he got exactly the answer he should have expected if he’s ever tried to talk to some moran in a comment section."

Good thing Wonkette doesn't allow comments.

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And here I once thought the worst thing Canada could contribute to the world was Nickelback

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So I have a little story about this.

When I was last in London, maybe four years ago, there was a guy rapidly named "Crazy Dave", a javascript programmer. He was a Freeman-on-the-land. Went out for drinks with him once.

He tried to convince me that Hitler was actually Jewish (!), then got in to a long, drawn out explanation of how legal naming worked. He asked me whether I was ok with his unlicensed car because he was "travelling" rather than "driving" which struck me as nomenclature rather than anything else.

Anyway, he'd been brought up before court for a no insurance and being a general dick with no license plate charge. He explained how he told the judge how this legal naming stuff worked.

Me: So did you get off?

Crazy Dave: No, I got fined 800 quid.

Me: [snorts cider from nose] sorry, went down the wrong way

There are loons in every country.

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Also Bieber. Our bad.

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Some kind of manifest destiny we've got here

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"...pinin’ for the fnords". You have officially rocked my world.

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