"Math is hard!" -- Barbie

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More Mooslin 'MuriKKKa-hatin Negro claptrap aimed at fat-ass dumb 'MurkiKKKans. How can we succeed as a nation if wimmen are removed from their biblical duties as fetus gestation devices and tell them it's okay to think and have a job?

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More good news for John McCain!

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I don't think we, as a country, should put a fucking dime into that project until we stop funding ACORN!!!

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I volunteer, for the good of the outfit!

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Has she even thought about the cooties?

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...and lower rates of HIV/AIDS."

SEE!!!! Proof positive that that edjamuhcation shit just turns our sweet young daughters into slutty sluts having the sex all the time and making us menz wear them uncomfortable condoms!


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After Mr. B Natural, my most favorite of MST3K shorts.

"I'm here today to tell you about some girls I know very well. And why I'm being fired."

"Oh shoot, I mailed it to myself!"

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It's a positive that education leads women to be marry and have children later, when they're ready? But girls are supposed to get married off at about 15 or 16, to a husband chosen by their father, as an exchange of property between families - that's what the Bible says! And the Duggars.

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I will get to a point, bear with me for a sec...

There is some controversy in France right now about the Best Picture winner for this year's Cesar (it's like the Oscars for French movies). This movie, Timbuktu, also nominated for a foreign language Oscar this year, centers around the lives of villagers and farmers living in or near the jihadist-occupied city of Timbuktu and the harsh, unfair (and often hypocritical) punishments for what the occupiers deem contrary to Islamic faith and law. It is powerful and beautifully filmed, and a worthy prize-winner, but here's the rub. The director Abderrahmane Sissako is from Mauritania. He's also friendly with Mauritania's president Aziz. Some critics claim that Aziz steered Sissako away from the movie's original intent, which was to be an exposé of slavery in Mauritania. Not only because anti-jihadist message plays well for western audiences, but because slavery is still a real and systemic problem in Mauritania and the government often can't or won't intervene.

So what does any of that have to do with education, particularly the education of women? Well, quite a bit as it turns out. It's estimated that about 20% of Mauritania's population is enslaved, with the number of women slaves being disproportionately higher. The institution of slavery is perpetuated not so much through physical subjugation, but through denying slaves economic means to escape servitude, specifically by denying them an education. Oh, and as a nice parallel to how the Teahidists operate in the US, another way those in power oppress slaves is by telling them that questioning slavery is akin to questioning Islam.

Really, it's insanely frightening stuff, hard to get a snark in. I could go on, but since these comments don't exist, I will stop writing. If you are interested, some of the links provided above will give you places to read up. I really hope education initiatives reach places and people like the Mauritanians still trapped in these awful conditions.

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I still always think of the Spice Girls; and now it's in my head, and once again I'm wondering what that zig-a-zig-ha that youireally, really want is.

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When I was taping Mr. B at 3 in the morning, my mom, who had been asleep on the couch, woke up and thought she was having a nightmare.

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None of that monetizing would happen if it wasn't okay with Obama and Arne Duncan (the worst Sec. of Ed. there ever was). Obama has launched assault after assault on public schools and Duncan has publicly come out with statements that schools should close in favor of privatization.

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Girls who attend secondary school marry and have children later and critically delays their peak sammich making years as well. which is what the GOP really is pissed about.

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Justice Thomas? oh wait you said Taliban, not coke can.


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Ma belle...

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