Wow, they totally kicked Bristol Palin under the bus!

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Well, Beyoncé is a goddess, so I guess we have to have a rival.

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May I just take a moment to point out that Anglo-Saxons are all mixed race? It's in the name, people. Half-Anglo, half-Saxon. Mud people.

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Greek Goddess, Aryan Goddess, what's the diff?

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don't think they approve of the Palin kids because they're all part Yu'pik.

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you might want to pull out the old Ovid and reread the story about Arachnae. first thing that happens when Athene comes to earth is that she asks a lady for something to drink which gets her a beer (sweet!). when the woman's nephew is a dick because he's like 7, Athena spits the beer on the nephew and turns him into a skink. just for being a 7 year old. also, what she did to Medusa was not cool. I know there are a couple places where she's got the epithet of "slow to anger" attached, but that's more of a rhyme/meter device anyhow.

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or, you know, Inara.

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Taylor Swift is Hitler?

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She's got a perfectly good heart.

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Norse people aren't "Aryan" either. Except to nazi idiots

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a modest conspiracy theory

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Time to up some people's meds again... Hopefully, Obamacare covers this

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So, the term "alt-right" is pretty much a marketing term that makes "racist fucktard" sound more like like "old guy who probably kinda' likes Linkin Park, so it's okay"?

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Fraktur or GTFO!

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Wait... the Greeks are Aryans now? Has anyone told them this?

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Wait, the guy who helped ramp up a ton of the GamerGate bullshit actually has something "nice" to say about a woman? Do I hear the hoofbeats of horses in the distance?

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