You coulda stayed with me. I live a lot closer than Fort Dix. But then, I didn't email you when you asked, so there's that.

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*Cries with Skadi for the same reason*

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Pourquoi non?

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parce que les Québécois sont des abruti.

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I'm hoping to come down to the city Wed. Was going to today (Food Fest!) but man, I couldn't bring myself to leave the air conditioning. Plus, the skies are about to open up.

I hope the Bernie Bros have left town by then. Or melted.

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I'm moving to Jersey before the end of year and am trying to find a town that is accessible to NYC AND Wawa.

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Aren't we all?

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I like lesbians, they make the best porn!

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Log Cabin Repubs make log dog houses for a hobby?

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That must be it.

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A lot of Hillzbots really need to give Bernie cred for the fact that he's NOT going to be the new Nader, or even the new John Anderson (REMEMBER HIM?!?) He's getting so much shit from the 'Bros (mostly former Paultards) who are now calling him a shill bending over for the DNC dildo, when he was the new Che Guevara a month ago.

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Don't worry; I've got him covered with a closer guest room. He just left my house to go into the city and it is POURING rain out there.

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It's pouring here in Wilmington, now. They were telling protestors at WFC to stand under the highway to get out of the rain.

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Sorta on topic: when I was nine I could balance an entire Jenga game on one block I held in my teeth. I've never re-attempted because I don't want to spoil my perfect record!

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Whoa whoa whoa. You can't give a Wawa goose toy to a dog! This cannot be tolerated! No one shall defile Wawa, purveyor of coffee, cigarettes, and sandwiches. Disrespecting The Goose is a very serious offense here in Southeast PA. Almost as serious as setting foot inside of a Sheetz for any reason. You don't want to know what happens there.

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