In the past 48 hours, the Pussy-Grabber has invited Duterte, invited himself to Pakistan, and called the president of Taiwan! Does he know how badly he fucked up with his call to Taiwan? Does he know why? Was he manipulated b a pro-Taiwan aide taking advantage of his absolute ignorance about foreign policy? Is he signaling a shift in our China policy? Is he just trying to harass China? Does it matter? The electoral college cannot certify someone this stupid and dangerous to be president.

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"Target practice"

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The Axis of Evil welcomes a new member!

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> "wipe the slate clean"

Is Trump even aware the US-Philippine relationship stretches back to before General Douglas MacArthur's "I will return"? Or that US troops are based there as a check on both China and North Korea? Or that there are 3.4 million Filipinos currently residing in the United States, with another estimated million undocumented?

(Wait don't answer that, we already know the answer)

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Let's ride!

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to be honest, Trump and his thug-a-licious pals would be no match for my Marlin 30-30 lever action rifle but for now it will remain mostly for deer and paper targets ( but mostly paper targets).

side tangent, the Marlin good for against velocity raptors too.

it dots the i's and crosses the t's.

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And both Trump and Duterte use that magic 3 million number in their inflammatory nonsense, has that been focus-groped (sic, as in sickening) for maximum Rube-rage?

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Hey, I thot we kilt truth and speling a few posts back...

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Have them gold plate it and charge Trump $1000 a pill and they can fund their startup for manufacturing affordable Daraprim.

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The hypocrisy meter is long broken, never will work again...Hillary drawn and quartered over use of private email server (which was never hacked, btw), yet President Elect tRump has called numerous world leaders on his personal cell phone, to discuss matters of significance, and has completely undermined any kind of diplomatic protocal and national security.Not a peep from the media, the pundits, hardly anyone.....

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Gold leaf is cheaper. And the Tangerine Tin Pot doesn't know the difference anyway ...

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Velociraptor, ty.

Unless you meant hi-speed birds of prey.

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Don't forget Orban in Hungary, or that the Kaczists are back in in Poland, along with a couple of others in Eastern Europe who definitely drift into "just as bad" territory.

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So cocaine will only be for the rich, like it was in the 1980s? This whole shit is totally the 1980s again anyway. Safety pins, insane person in the white house who is likely to cause a worldwide disaster, pot all over the place... I'm wearing black again from now on, and yay, a friend sent me her 1980 hair crimper. Rereading Comte de Lautréamont and listening to Bauhaus.]

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Or the Toronto basketball team flying toward another ignominious defeat.

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