Somehow. In Some way.

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Don't give the Weinsteins Ideas TundraGrifter!

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And FOX, don't forget FOX. FOX=Kremlin propaganda

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Hannity 'oughta be' a headline, but MSM is too busy chasing the elusive memo down yet another rabbit hole, and preparing to tongue-bathe Cheeto if he doesn't choke on his teeth @ SOTU.

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This is the real reason why the Left has decomposed (Sarandon, Stein, etc). They are stuck in 2003. They think Syria = Iraq and US imperialism is the Greatest and Only Threat to Planet Earth. If you think like that, it's only a short step to thinking that Trump really is "an outsider who wants to dismantle the neoliberal bureaucracy" and he should be supported against the horrible FBI who did COINTELPRO, etc.

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Greenwald posted an article on Twitter explaining about how Trump is doing more and deadlier drone strikes than Barry O ever did. How does he square this with saying before the election that Trump was a "non-interventionist"? By going home and counting his rubles, that's how.

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Not true. They were the real deal in 2010... BEFORE Russian front Assange pushed all the people who did the real work out and took over.

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It's supposedly nonprofit healthcare for their own companies, not generally available to outsiders. Yet.

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It's interesting how helpful Julian is. Giving Donald Junior a heads up on the latest Hillary file dump. Reaching out to Hannity to give him dirt on a democratic senator.

What's his game? The more I think about it he probably wants money. Now that he's cozy with all these rich people, he must want a piece of the pie.

It's easy to pay him in bitcoin. Payments are hard to trace. I have a feeling he'll be sitting pretty when he gets out of the embassy.

I mean... you gotta tip him well for the favors he offers. If you don't, who knows what'll show up on Wikileaks?

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I'm Julio Assuage of Twiki-Leaks if any high ranking republicans want me to provide them with dirt (rumor and innuendo) about McCarthyists like Rachel Maddow please contact me here at The Kremlin.

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Tickets...not an auction. Let everyone have a turn.

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That photo is one of my all time favorite illos.

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Technically ASSange embarrassed the US all the way back to Dubya with their surveillance of everything they could possibly watch. Since that was straight up right wing authoritarian shit, obviously Julian was a terrible librul that hates baby Jesus. Soon as he was pissing on Hillary he redeemed himself and became a true American(Hannity is most likely too busy sniffing Trump’s taint cheese to realize that Julian Assange is not from the US.).

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Exquisite and handsome unicorn.

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Can we all moon them or something?

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