Well, 'race car' spelled backwards is 'race car'. 'Assault rifle' spelled backwards is 'my mighty metal penis'. Hope this helps.

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The preferred nation of one of he USA's greatest writers! https://yankeedoodlesoc.fil...

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...drywall litigation is not one of your bigger money-makers.

They laughed at me when I told them I was going to specialize in drywall litigation, and they'd all be serving me ice-cold cocktails on a big yacht someday. I guess you know how that all turned out.

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They're just jealous of a lawyer who could have actually walked away with ten grand in his pocket.

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Also McNulty. I realized after starting Season 5 is that Season 4 was great because no fucking McNulty.

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must be true then.

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truth. but most of the chinese drywall lawsuits were litigated between 2008 and 2014. it struck me as strange that he had one dragging out this long.

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After Castro came to power the US State Department basically told Hemingway he had to leave Cuba. He was in a poor mental state, very depressed, and this only made things worse. When he left his beloved home and boat almost all his personal possessions remained - and are there today. A recent movie about Hemingway in Cuba provided needed funds to help preserve his home.

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He never really gets any worse; he just relapses. I thought I missed him in Season 4, and then when Season 5 hit, I realized I was over his shit.

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Him and Carcetti are (and I suppose are meant to be) posterboys for Why We Need To Stop Letting White Men Run Things.

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Jebus! Why would you do legwork when making shit up is so much easier and effective?

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That was my thought.

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Too bad he's retired.

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I occasionally have clients who want to lie on tax forms, I advise against it but no-one has ever tried to bribe me. Unless I'm dim and just haven't noticed.

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Rounders players, also, too.

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Spread the word!

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