Well she's smart enough to train me well. :)

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Darth LiBelzZZ! I'm offfended!

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'Well Ron, if that really is your name, why don't you just go fuck yourself?'

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It will be over when the lost causers are over the Civil War. As in never.

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Meanwhile... the WI GOP wants to smash MPS; seems like this'll be a blueprint for other states.

"The proposal is part of a package that expands taxpayer-funded alternatives to public schools, including increasing the number of charter schools and giving parents money to pay for additional learning opportunities outside of the normal school day, including college courses."

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don't give them any ideas

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That idea would be OK by me. :)

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Na, she's going to go be a host at a Napa valley winery (jokes on her, they don't want someone the customers are going to spit on).

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I don't know where he is. He is usually in here with me in the mornings. : (

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It seems that the only plank in the republican platform is the suppression of votes of POC.

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, leaders predicted a tyrant named Biden would try to usurp power from a true patriot named Donald Trump in the earth year 2020. So they launched a spaceship with millions of clones traveling thousands of light years to replace the voting population of that great country called the United States and assure victory for the good guys. But an evil commander named Darth Vader reprogrammed those clones to vote for Emperor Biden, using treachery to occupy the seat of all power.

So prove that it didn't happen, libs!!!

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Hey, if they are willing to take my idea now, it means I can bait them to take other ideas too. Making them think they were their ideas is the trick.

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"there haven't been any proven cases of drop boxes being used improperly..."

A court in PA ruled PA's drop boxes were all illegal. It doesn't matter that there is no evidence of them being used for nefarious purposes, we live in a post-fact society, just insinuations and rumors are all that matter now.

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One word; Shareholders.

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"No matter who wins, we all lose."

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And tax cuts and deregulation for rich people.

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