Paul Ryan dissembles? But, I repeat myself.

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Ooo ... Ooo! I read about this on Go-Pee.com:

Tax cuts solve all problems.

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I, for one, would completely trust a BA in economics to write the national budget for the largest economy in the world. I mean, that's basically a genius, amirite?

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Before the Great Depression, all retirement was private. But then the banks failed, company pensions disappeared, the stock market lost 90% of its value. Oops. I guess those bits of paper were worth even less than U.S. Treasury securities.

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And yet his budget still makes room for tanks the Army doesn't want and planes the Air Force doesn't need. It's like he's got some sort of pecuniary interest in military spending or something...

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People get elected to Congress not because they know something but because they can excel at the dog whistles that arouse their parties base. No need for any accuracy or insight, just the proper outrage and an unspecified fix preferably wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.

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As a person who is not too far from SS age, I have two questions for Mr. Ryan: Which tastes better, cat food, or dog food? and Which is better for you?

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