What were you doing for the two years you were away from Disqus? Drugs or prison time? Or did you learn to switch hands when you were pleasuring yourself and it took up a year and a half of your life?

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Glad to see that you made a timely comment on a recent (not month old) article. You are clearly a frequent and important contributor at this site. Please, keep up the good work of owning all us libs because I am happy to contribute my fair share to ensure that those with less don't go without. I see taxes as a way to help out society as a whole. But then, I'm just a fool who doesn't care about tax oppression :)

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You jackasses don't care about America and the fools who are now offering socialism as a way to govern America. hang on to your fat wallets Connecticut, tax oppression is on its way. But I'm sure you bunch of fools won't care about that either.

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Fuzzbottom: He delivered on all his promises to his voters, which is something Democrats cannot do, like your boy, the arrogant con-artist who claimed responsibility for Trump's economy. Obstructionist fools like your kind of hypocrite Democrats say a wall won't work but they frequently voted for buiding border walls before Trump became president. Your Democrat fools voiced their opposition to illegal aliens but now that Trump is president, they believe in open border, protecting illegal aliens from being deported, and murdering Americans and killing them with illegal drugs? The Dotard delivers, your kind does not -- a well known fact. What do your kind have to offer the American people, other than obstruction, Trump-hate rhetoric, impeachment of Trump, and socialism that will destroy this country. What a fool.

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Blumenthal is a phony and you bamboozled idiots worship a guy who's been a proven liar for many years. The guy is a joke and failed to be reelected in 2018. Cool headed? Who like drafty toilets?

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Blackroyd: He never said he loved beer, he said he drank it when asked by Democrat alligator senators who were trying to discredit him and failed, you lying moron. He was very upset about the false accusations, not only by the ugly white girl accuser, but by Democrat Party trolls. And did not cry, as you say, at the hearing, that's merely your dumb opinion. The ugly white girl wearing glasses like yours admitted lying about ALL of her testimony after the trial and she got paid for her fake story, but a phony liar like you won't bring that up. You're scared of the truth, puddin' head. He got the job because he told the truth and everything your four-eyed bimbo white girl said was a lie, unproven allegations, and no one but stupid people like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal dishonestly believed her every word. Your Democrat black folk senators were out to lynch a white man to get even with the past. It didn't work. He was the most competent and most educated guy with the best resume to get the job. VICTORY!

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Neither were in Vietnam you moron, neither showed up.

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LOL. You are a confused moron. Kerry and Mueller were no war heroes. Kerry was swift-boated from becoming president by several veterans who exposed the flip-flopper traitor for what he was -- a fraud. In addition, he was an incompetent moron on the Iran deal which got us nothing but got Iran $150 billion. Mueller is a corrupt FBI troll who allowed your corrupt bobble-head frump to sell 20% of US uranium to Russia for hundreds of $millions donated to her Clinton Foundation by Russia, plus $500,000 paid to the frump's rapist husband as a speaking fee in Russia. Mueller can't find any Russian collusion on the Cheeto, but every Democrat fears the Cheeto will be reelected for his great and brilliant accomplishments as president only in his 1st two years as president. The Cheeto will become one of the greatest presidents in US History, to your disappointment and heartaches. I'm for the Cheeto in 2020.

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Bimbo please, John Kerry was a coward who faked his actions to get medals he didn't deserve. You're a fat ostrich with your fat head buried in the sand. Your long-chin flip-flopper got swift-boated by Vietnam veterans who exposed your clown for what he was, a fake who never deserved ANY medals. He certainly did not earn them. If you look in the Internet he became a Vietnam War protester like traitor Jane Fonda and threw his medals away in public. He was for the war before he was against the war. Then when he ran for president he comes out in a Army personnel carrier as if he was a war hero for the war. Your clown is a psycho and an incompetent negotiator who gave Iran $billions of dollars on his failed Iran deal. The idiot got nothing in return for our tax money.

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I believe you look fat, is it true?

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Trad: You are so full of hate and shit it clouds your thinking. Eat your heart out clown, He's very successful and has the support of the American people; there's not a damn thing a joke like you can do about it, you helpless moron. He'll be reelected too in 2020 by proud deplorables and I'm proud to be one. Don't try preaching morality you lying retard, people like you using profanity and God in your arguments have no credibility. You are the last troll to be taken seriously about morality.

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If only he'd stayed in his room, pulling his bootstraps, he wouldn't be in this fix.

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Unless you claim benefits for veterans you can lie your ass off about it. Currently there are more retired Navy SEALS out there than any other kind of serviceman. The Navy seems to have done nothing but create tens of thousands of elite warriors who engaged in top secret missions to protect America.24/7. It was probable that two or three groups would turn up at Bin Ladens' hideouts or 'gorilla' training camps or rescue operations for wounded Marines and realise that everyone around them was a SEAL on a mission;'Shit, they double-booked us AGAIN?'.

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"Donald Trump was one of the worst businessmen this nation has produced. Then he joined the Republican Party and his his ideas, methods, became...unsound. Unsound"

"He's crossed over the Potomac with this MAGA army of his, that worship the man like a god, and follow him every order, however ridiculous.

You see... things get confused out here. But out there with those deplorables, it must be a temptation to be God. Because there is a war between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil. Between grabbing pussies and combing your hair over into a stupid bouffant.

You and I would never embrace that sheer bug-fuckery Captain, but Donald Trump has. And, very obviously, he has gone insane"

"Yes, sir. Very much so, sir. Obviously insane"

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There have been more than a few repulsive attacks from the pasty, cowardly Republican herd, but that was one of the most heinous.

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That is pretty funny, except to the extent that it isn't. So, overall, it's funny because the author clearly knows it's not!

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