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pssst... this is a snark site.

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The couple that slays together stays together.

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Didn't you hear? An armed citizen with a gun is BETTER than a cop because cops sometimes shoot innocent people, unlike these two Deadeye Dicks.

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Well, that there's the problem. Unless you're actually in DC during a Congressional Session, there's not really a reliable target for Revolution. What's a Whitewing couple supposed to do in Vegas?

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And precisely why no one called the police on these people before they decided to go cop-hunting. When such inflammatory and threatening rhetoric becomes the norm, people just shrug and figure "Ah, ol' Joe's just blowing off steam." rather than "You know, I might want to let someone know Joe is talking about committing a crime."

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They will be by the time Fucks & Fiends get around to yapping about it.

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"It is almost as though the real goal is to terrorize ordinary citizens, rather than the government officials who presumably are the problem."

Curiously enough (not), blowing up innocent shoppers and pedestrians is precisely what the Islamaniacs do in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. ... it makes no more sense here than it does there.

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Good point. Yet another example of right-winger ideology foisted on the idiot masses trumping policies that would actually benefit said masses.

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I vote an unshaved alien pubis sculpture paid for by NEA dollars stolen through taxation.

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Actually, in one or two countries, Buddhists beat the hell out of their Muslims. Every religion can play.

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I'll bet the officers never had a chance to draw their sidearms before being gunned down. Which is why the whole "good guy with a gun" nonsense won't work - if the bad guy gets the drop on you, you're dead before you have a chance.

And these two shot uniformed, armed police. So I doubt that the fact that someone at either location may have had a CCW and a weapon would have mattered one whit.

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Hard to snark at a time like this. As always, I feel incredibly sad about the people that have lost their lives for no other reason than there are far too many unstable people in this world who have, for various reasons (yeah, the reason is the rightwing media rage machine foaming up the nutjob masses), decided to make some sort of stupid, ignorant point with their tools of easy killing.

You'd think police forces--who are becoming increasing targets for this sort of violence and also are on the front lines of stopping the violence once it escalates--would be more interested in taking a stand on limiting access to guns. But no, the huge NRA lobby has undermined any authority they might have on the matter.

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the double wide was leaning a bit

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