Quazy Kats is a fun little play on words. Wimmin or womyn is one step away from every wimmin in Merica going krazy and turning into a feral Amazon and enslaving all the myn!!!!
When my brother came out to our parents, they didn't know he had told me years before. When they found out and told me they were so serious and worried how I would take the news they were trying to prepare me without saying hat the news was. I hand to God thought my brother was dying. They said no, he's gay, then launched into a statement of support for him, which I cut off with an eye roll and told them I was going out with my friends, because I'd known for 5 years!
In my early 90s college feminist circles were a couple of women who used different alternative spellings to avoid the words man or men. They also felt Andrea Dworkin was too soft on the patriarchy and a sellout, so every time they would make posters or flyers with those spellings the rest of us just rolled our eyes and "lost" their flyers due to poor spelling.
If by "assertive and serious" you mean "manly," absolutely. Aside from the huge ones worn by some 80's New Wave artists, shoulder pads are a routine part of a men's suit jacket or blazer and look quite normal, on a man, since it's just a mild accentuation of a man's normal body shape, and mostly just keep the line of the jacket's shoulders crisp. A small shoulder pad does the same for a woman, but the point of most of them was to be noticeably shoulder-squaring, wasn't it?
The funny thing is that the minority of feminists who, back in the day, would have wanted to write "wimmin" or "womyn" to eliminate the word "men", are mostly TERFs these days and absolutely agree with Chris Rufo on "morally mandating" trans people out of existence
Basically. The failure I ran into as a young woman trying to wear office acceptable jackets in a larger size but affordable was clothing manufacturers seemed to toss in any old boulder pad laying around. I realize not literally but there's a picture of me in my first suit trying to drop my shoulders because the shoulder pads were so large the drape of the coat was weird, and if I let my shoulders stay in a normal poems my shoulders looked to be halfway up my neck. However, cutting them out also ruined the drape and fitting. My bad memories are more from the socio-economic aspects of fashion. By the time I could afford a nicer suit coat, I no longer needed one for work.
I lived in Minnesota in the late 80s when the Michigan Wimyns Music Festival was a huge cultural force. Had a ringside seat to the turmoil and mishegas of the inclusion/exclusion of transformed. I'm sure it was one of the birthplaces of TERFs.
Side note, this was also when a lot of lesbians (including lesbian sepratists) were getting pregnant. Artificial insemination apparently favors boys. Situation be..interesting
Back in the 70s when this whole issue first came to my attention, there was a lot more language that just used "man" as the default for "person". I was in my teens then and I remember that whenever you asked an adult about it, it was all "Don't be so silly, man means woman too, it's fine, what's the matter with you why are you making a big deal about this". And that was the attitude that pissed off enough of a certain kind of feminist so they tried to change some spellings. Others were too busy changing "lady policeman" to "police officer" and such - and those are the changes that stuck.
... By Mother's Day...
I remember Robert$on's quote, because he called me (an Episcopalian) "the spirit of the antichrist.
Quazy Kats is a fun little play on words. Wimmin or womyn is one step away from every wimmin in Merica going krazy and turning into a feral Amazon and enslaving all the myn!!!!
There were some other reasons, but I'm pretty sure that's what George Washington and company were most concerned about.
When my brother came out to our parents, they didn't know he had told me years before. When they found out and told me they were so serious and worried how I would take the news they were trying to prepare me without saying hat the news was. I hand to God thought my brother was dying. They said no, he's gay, then launched into a statement of support for him, which I cut off with an eye roll and told them I was going out with my friends, because I'd known for 5 years!
In my early 90s college feminist circles were a couple of women who used different alternative spellings to avoid the words man or men. They also felt Andrea Dworkin was too soft on the patriarchy and a sellout, so every time they would make posters or flyers with those spellings the rest of us just rolled our eyes and "lost" their flyers due to poor spelling.
Sorry it's painful.
If by "assertive and serious" you mean "manly," absolutely. Aside from the huge ones worn by some 80's New Wave artists, shoulder pads are a routine part of a men's suit jacket or blazer and look quite normal, on a man, since it's just a mild accentuation of a man's normal body shape, and mostly just keep the line of the jacket's shoulders crisp. A small shoulder pad does the same for a woman, but the point of most of them was to be noticeably shoulder-squaring, wasn't it?
Well, it's pretty clear why.
The funny thing is that the minority of feminists who, back in the day, would have wanted to write "wimmin" or "womyn" to eliminate the word "men", are mostly TERFs these days and absolutely agree with Chris Rufo on "morally mandating" trans people out of existence
Don't care. Don't like it.
Basically. The failure I ran into as a young woman trying to wear office acceptable jackets in a larger size but affordable was clothing manufacturers seemed to toss in any old boulder pad laying around. I realize not literally but there's a picture of me in my first suit trying to drop my shoulders because the shoulder pads were so large the drape of the coat was weird, and if I let my shoulders stay in a normal poems my shoulders looked to be halfway up my neck. However, cutting them out also ruined the drape and fitting. My bad memories are more from the socio-economic aspects of fashion. By the time I could afford a nicer suit coat, I no longer needed one for work.
I lived in Minnesota in the late 80s when the Michigan Wimyns Music Festival was a huge cultural force. Had a ringside seat to the turmoil and mishegas of the inclusion/exclusion of transformed. I'm sure it was one of the birthplaces of TERFs.
Side note, this was also when a lot of lesbians (including lesbian sepratists) were getting pregnant. Artificial insemination apparently favors boys. Situation be..interesting
Back in the 70s when this whole issue first came to my attention, there was a lot more language that just used "man" as the default for "person". I was in my teens then and I remember that whenever you asked an adult about it, it was all "Don't be so silly, man means woman too, it's fine, what's the matter with you why are you making a big deal about this". And that was the attitude that pissed off enough of a certain kind of feminist so they tried to change some spellings. Others were too busy changing "lady policeman" to "police officer" and such - and those are the changes that stuck.
Can't forget the classix🙌https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
George Mason "University" is what any rural junior college would look like if funded to the tune of $100M+ per year by the Koch and Olin Foundations.