And now, Learning Things, with host, Butthead Taylor Greene.

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This episode brought to you by Inbreeding and the letter β€œM” for Meth

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The only difference is brand of truck https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Kicking it old skooll!Marjorie X got radicalized by newsprint!

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We pay her and Heil on Wheels 175k a year to do nothing but push racist Nazi propaganda. They each have a Chief of Staff that makes 150k a year to do pretty much the same thing. As a taxpayer I really hate paying for that shit.

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β€œChristain”…is that what happens when you masturbate to those Christian Pop songs where it’s impossible to tell whether they’re singing about Jesus, their boyfriends, or their dads?

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If we have to be subjected to her bullshit, the least she could do is review fourth grade grammar for fucks sake.

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MTG should go right ahead and join NOI β€” not that they would have her.

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"I don't know any people with white hate, white fear, or white rage".


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