There are children not yet born who will someday be laughing at pictures of their dads with man buns.

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Tell it sista!

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Honey you win the internet today with "impeachment foreplay"...yeah, I think that is exactly what she is doing too.

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It was at this point that Clarice began to rethink her second job as a dinosaur insemination technician...

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Wouldn't that be a masquerade breach?

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That's just one of the reasons why I get pissed off when men announce their wive's pregnancies by saying "We're pregnant!" No, fucker, you're not. Your wife/SO/womb-haver is pregnant. You, dear boy, put in 5 minutes of work at best. You are not pregnant, you will never be pregnant, and you deserve a swift kick in the cock for saying so.

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I agree, but sometimes losing battles are the ones that were really too big to lose, and should not have been lost.

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I'm sorry you're so stressed and you're right, if it weren't for my cats I'd go bonkers, myself.

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Mine may be saving my sanity, but they seem determined to kill me too. Since I have a trust for them they would be very wealthy cats. They seem to know this.

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I partially agree. But even if a battle is too big to lose doesn't mean it won't be lost; in general one side will lose and sometimes both.

Of course it can be impossible to predetermine winners/losers and many battles are entered with both sides expecting to win. In the case of impeachment, though, it is certain that at this point the Senate Repubs will acquit. Pelosi knows this; she's said so.

Impeachment is more a political process than a legal one since the laws are whatever Congress decides they are. During Watergate a number of damaging, ongoing investigations gradually eroded Nixon's support and he was forced to resign. He never was impeached by the House. The investigations brought him down.

Besides, I want Trump on the ticket in 2020 to maximize Dem turnout for the Presidency and down-ticket.

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I really need to do that! I will just need to keep it secret.

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Thanks!! It also helps to come here. Amid all the horror, sometimes I still laugh out loud here! This week I will need to take Cleo to the vet for a blood draw. She has hyperthyroidism and needs to be on meds; they need to check her thyroid levels a couple of times a year. I'll try to get her to take something to relax her because sometimes she can be stressed she pees in her carrier. The worst part is when she comes home, she must smell different, because Jezebel the cat from hell just HATES her for about a week!

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He needed a drink of water. Any aide with two brain cells to rub together would have handed the boss a bottle o' water to relieve his distress.

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Being here helps! I found a 6 week old kitten sitting beside a 4 lane highway on Saturday. Of course we're keeping her. So far, her name is Keith until I can think of something different.

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Cats ALWAYS know.

I live in California. I set up a trust to take care of the cats, but it had to have a human trustee (or maybe a bank). You need to pick someone you can absolutely trust with the money since enforcement is not built-in. Essentially you will be leaving control of your assets in the hand of the trustee and trusting that they will do the right thing. I have my long-time vet and two honest friends as my trustees. I am as sure as I can be that they will take good care of the kitties.

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what about a series of return videos - trump slurring and mispronouncing words every time they do one of their attacks on the dems? wouldn't even need to fake it - for every 'oh that's fake news' response you get from the R's you can retaliate with one from the D's (oh god, I just whaddaboutismed)

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