Pretty much half or better of the replies to Tim "Who?" Ryan's tweet was this.

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We have to start live trapping and neutering them. They'll still be out there, but at least they won't be making more.

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Are you sure they're not Tribbles? They're trouble!

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Damn. Whoever runs that twitter account is pretty good with the snark, despite coming from a commie despot country.

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I, L to the mother humping F, would like to give voice to all those that never wanted erry Tim Ryan on Ma Earth in the race in the first place. And as spox against these jokes of folks, I contend that we wish they would quit quitting publically and just go away some more.

This particular hump of a T-Ryan was only cannon fodder for Elizabeth, I so fondly recall, and believe that he set her off on the Elizabeth has got this grand tour. So smoke'em if ya got 'em and don't if ya don't, cuz T-Ryan is extinct and he won't be coming back, he just won't.

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What's a Tim Ryan? Was he running for prezmident? On what, the Frat Party?

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But what about the other 40-60 feral Tim Ryans?

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"Scumball Cummings was never nice to me. He was a nasty man. A nasty, nasty man. One of the last things he did was issue soup peenies. Can you believe it? Soup peenies! Where is the loyalty? He was no Frederick Douglass, I can tell you that." - Trump's twitter feed tonight, probably.

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Not the one you're thinking of. The other one. I think.

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90% of the Democratic field. He is Legion. You may know him as Amy. Or Tim. Or, uh, one of the other Tims.

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I remember the four door Fjord my dad had. It was a '55 I think. It had the FjordOmatic transmission.

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To make sure he's still dead?

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But are you pinin'? That's the important part.

(Note my artful use of the hyphen, above.)

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Well, I'm not pinin' for that '55 Fjord. It wasn't a very good car.

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Cool. Now how many Tim Ryans are left?

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Years ago in Arizona, the local dea tried to raid several Phoenix-area bookstores for information on their customers using actual fake "supena"s. They failed spectacularly when the clerks told them to just wait right there, pilgrim, and called the boss, who called real lawyers who told them to fuck right off with that shit.

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