Golly, was there anything going on in the mid-1940s that would have made that alliance better than the alternative? Anything at all?By the standards and aspirations of the contemporary republican party, no, the opposite. If the modern republican party were in power for WWII, we’d be living ‘The Man in the High Castle’
I heard he refused to clarify when he last beat his wife
All Republicans do now is just a lot of political theatre. None of it has any substance at all.
Maxine is awesome: Ted Cruz is a cold dog turd.
I had an Uncle Joe. I had no idea he was Stalin.
Republicans would rather talk about how great Uncle Adolf was.
"the proven free-market solutions that make America the envy of the world"
In part. A lot of him is also beaks.
Auntie Maxine doesn’t play stupid games. Stupid Rep. just learned a lesson.
Who in the fuck is this Reschenthaler dude? Yeah, "refusing to denounce," shut the fuck up with this bullshit.
All I know is that he was movin' mighty slow at the Junction.
(Petticoat! Junction.)
Oh I don't know, at least cold dog turds are easy to clean up. Cruz? He's still around.
"This concurrent resolution denounces socialism in all its forms and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States."
And POOF!! Just like that inflation is fixed.
That dope didn’t learn anything. He got his sound bite, that’s all he could think about.
Do not get into it with an older Black woman. We have no time for other people and their bs😂
Golly, was there anything going on in the mid-1940s that would have made that alliance better than the alternative? Anything at all?By the standards and aspirations of the contemporary republican party, no, the opposite. If the modern republican party were in power for WWII, we’d be living ‘The Man in the High Castle’