Only if you're using your right hand (cos they hate the left)

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It would upset me more if they locked up the People of Walmart page.

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How did this happen with Rudy in charge of cybersecurity???

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In the front of the book, before the story, Bradbury provides an epigraph, a quote by poetJuan Ramón Jiménez...

''If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.''

A wonderful way to say you need to find unique ways to oppose authoritarian regimes. Something that we need to do more these days.

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I love this! Forwarded it to my friend who raises funds for a local healthcare non-profit, and she dresses as WW at every event.

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Let's make this clear, Holocaust Denial is and was never about "history". It is a form of hate based assault.

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Trump should just start a new Trump Hacking company, and then hacking will rapidly lose all value, like all other Trump companies.

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But the Trump campaign has world-renowned cybersecurity expert Rudy Giuliani on its team! How could this ever have happened?

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Sandra agrees.

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The old car was no good any longer. It needed an oil change.

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Maybe she IS immortal!

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xacly, find someone that uses the word 'spreaded' and you've got him/her... or at least his family, I'm thinking that town in Tennessee where everybody has the same last name.

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Pocketing it, of course.

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I think he's still making moccasins or wallets at 'the home'.

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"In other words, we have information about the president and his family."

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