<a href="http:\/\/0.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com\/53\/67\/5cba998e94ffd5a0671ab3227c69cdf9.jpg" target="_blank">If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.</a>

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and it ain't the Colbert one.

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Awww.... all bejugged and glowing and happy and etc. LIttle Trixel is going to be a lucky kid. Any sneak peak at the 'nadlets, or are we supposed to be kept in suspense here?

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Will you radi Boga (for God's sake) stop the glupiy (stupid) fake Cyrillic? The way you spell "Warren" comes out WDYaYaEI, except "W" doesn't exist in Russian. I wouldn't blame Putin for sending a squad of Speznaz over to trash your warehouse. Or at the very least duct tape you to something and force you to learn the Cyrillic alphabet.

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