Closer each King Tide season https://www.dailymail.co.uk...

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"The federal government gave Alabama a blank check for $1.8 billion.

"It should have known better.

"That money was supposed to help Alabama protect its citizens from COVID-19 and cover the costs and losses the state has incurred dealing with the disease. There are so many things those funds could pay for, so many ways to put that money to good use.

"But Alabama Senate leaders want to use $200 million of that money to build a new State House."


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And defense spending and wars are funded by Patriotism Bucks, so clearly they don't count against the deficit.

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Normal GOP deficit talk: say shit, repeat shit, whenyou’re Called for lying (and/or illiteracy) deny you said shit. Rinse. Repeat.

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arglebargle LIBELZ!

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And don't forget that a huge chunk of Obama "exploding deficit" came from actually putting the Iraq and Afghanistan wars on the books.

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The "booze calories don't count" diet is very popular, even though it doesn't actually work.

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If you have to tell people how patriotic you are...

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When the virus hits the flyover states hard, and they are wondering how this happened and won’t Trump and the GOP take back power from those nasty freeloading blue states and impeach Hillary already, and they cough and stick out their contaminated hands, they will swoop in with a very modest “stimulus” check again, because that money goes much further there, and people are dumb.

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If it makes you feel any better, they probably mean it as an insult.

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Giving individuals money they'll immediately spend back into the economy on rent and food and household necessities is frivolous spending that'll tank the economy, but giving it to corporations for stock buybacks and their execs, well, that's just SMART!!

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So what they are saying is that we should go for the higher-end black paint for those metal slats on our shiny new wall?

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What we really need to do is go thru every decision made by this illegitimate maladministration, line by line, and repeal every frickin thing they've done including judicial appointments, as being invalid on the basis of being 'passed' by said illegitimate maladministration. At least that's what I would like to see happen.

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Oh, but that's essential services!! Not like, you know, tossing a pittance to the rabble.

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Not until meat processing plants have produced enough to continue bringing home the bacon to various supply chains.Then, combine painting with multiple ICE raids to make the Midwest and America great again.

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