Now we have investigation orgy!

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Inspector General for the State Dept.

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If I were going to offer a stylistic / journalistic critique, I'd say he's kind of one-note.

On the *substance*, however ...

here is an example for me of enjoying the massive clapback to something he wrote MUCH more than the thing he wrote, which I also thought was high-handed, racist, and redolent of the kind of "benevolent slaver" mentality of so-called "progressive" people who got shocked SHOCKED when POTUS44 got paid for speeches he made AFTER he left office, and upset at HRC because *she* got paid for speeches, again after she left office ... and got upset when POTUS44 played golf like he never deserved a vacation when under more stress than any POTUS literally ever because he was the only one who had to do it while publicly black, but he hasn't said boo about the hundreds of millions 45 spends on golf and Mar A Lago nor even Eric's unpaid bar tab in Ireland.


Like: all the money and all the resources should be for white men; women get scraps; but POC get nothing.

And utterly oblivious to it all because he thinks he's labor's original voice or some such

Nerts to that, to quote Queen Latifah


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[Belushi libelz]

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so the Mnuchinian Candidate?

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and they just couldn't let a democratic president lie about a blowjob while they get all imperial and lie about worse things

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it works on more than one level

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I just talked to John and he said, "its cool".

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Its not going to be no silly pillow fight.

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So...now that Drumpf's not being audited, he cab release his tax returns for public perusal, yes?

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Oh, duh! 🤦‍♂️

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She passed them on to Warren, that brazen hussy.

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It's really getting to be way too much BS.

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I thought you had to blow up an asteroid to get no taxes!

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I'm taking it that Blankety Blank used ironic understatement there and means it has been a roaring avalanche of bullshit from the start, gathering force, mass and volume as it proceeds until it is now tearing away an entire mountainside.

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