Super callous fragile racist sexist nazi Paulie.

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Paul Ryan is the biggest fake in government and needs to go lay down by his dish!

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Filed under Dumfuk Still Does Not Get Choke

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"When we, in this democracy, are suggesting that because we disagree with people on political views, on policy views, on philosophical views, that we should resort to violence and harassment and intimidation that's dangerous for our society, dangerous for our democracy,..."Jeez, Paul, shouldn't you have thought of that before you started?

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Faux = 'empty at lunchtime"No Faux = 'has business at lunchtime'If both of these things are true then a restaurant owner who continues to display Faux is bad at math.Also, I don't think Sarah being refused services dips to the level of 'being hounded out of the place you were just eating and followed to your vehicle'. That is definitely a higher level of threat than "we don't want to serve you food'.

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The consequences to our actions are we just backed up our rhetoric with action. You can’t hold the moral high ground if you aren’t willing to take action to defend it. Push back is not violent stop it! And stop condemning those of us who feel that being polite is not enough anymore. When you have better ideas than “don’t get uppity” I’m all ears until then go cry on your favorite Shtrumper’s shoulder.

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Republican in general = Nazi.

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Does twisting the words of strangers make you feel powerful?

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Sure thing dude. That’s definitely what you wrote. Absolutely. Sounds like the “cluster b” spouse with knife isn’t the only one with problems.

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I read some of it. I agree with the person that this is a dictatorship and Trump needs to be impeached. Absolutely. But I also have problems with that. First it overplays identity politics, it's not like white people's opinions are less valid or that they're universally less affected by Trump's idiocy.

Also, grouping every Republican under one label and saying they're all pro-putting kids in cages is a massive overreaction. The Trump white house and the Republican party are two different things. But, don't worry I let conservatives have it all the time. I also let liberal extremists have it.

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I did not say she deserves punishment. I think if you're ripping against people on your own side for disagreeing about Maxine Waters's position, you're pretty extreme and should be aware of that

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If scorched earth "with me or against me" turns off swing voters, why are Trump's ratings so high?

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If Maxine had said, "Be nice to them and grovel," they would be saying exactly the same thing they are saying right now.

They don't need facts. They just make stuff up. They will be outraged no matter what we do. Stop reacting them. All that matters now is how it affects our base.

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.... and it turned out the Toilet Paperty is an astroturfed, dark-money funded movement packed with white supremecists.

Oh with added Russian support.

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This election is entirely about motivating the base. There are no swing voters. Understand that or lose.

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