Yep. Woman I know with children same age as me, when they were little, saying she didn't need to vaccinate her (home-schooled, natch) kids because the diseases were no longer a problem. Yes, so me getting my kids vaccinated made her kids safe. Right.

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" In 2010, despite spending $13.6 million, she won reelection with just 53 percent — a relatively weak performance for a Republican incumbent who spent that much money in a great Republican year."

And redistricting made her district lean less Republican (plus excluded her house from her district - ha! ha!)

Her Presidential campaign may have attracted the attention of nationwide wingnuts, which is great for the coffers, but it also highlighted her crazy, which I'm not sure is so helpful for garnering votes from the St Paul 'burbs.

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this shit really isn't funny. this woman was a candidate for president.

i don't know whether to be more horrified by the source of her ideas or her mean-spirited, anti-democratic instincts.

but then again, the president, IS black.

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She already has a Heart of Darkness.

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Too bad she wasn't reading "Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (American Empire Project)" by Robert Dreyfuss. It is first rate.

The right wing nutz don't want to face the fact that the Muslin Brotherhood is largely a creation of Western governments.

I've previously mentioned "Fear, Inc." (available on the web). Also essential reading.

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Ben Nighthorse Campbell as Chief.

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Ran for President because of Funny Face.

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The fact that members of the Muslim Brotherhood turned to violence is almost entirely due to the CIA trained torturers that convinced them peaceful advocacy would get them nowhere. Does the name "Ayman Al Zawahiri" ring any bells?

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Yeah, well, we fixed him, right? RIGHT??

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I'll wait for the movie to come out. Kathleen Turner and Halle Berry would work.

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Why ... wouldn't you want to make her play it?

You could wait until you saw the whites of her eyes ... and still nail her from 200 yards.

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You got that right! Her campaign is sitting on sacks of money and she begs for more, pointing out the potential wealth of her opponent. She's outspending that dude, of course, but according to the financial website she is raking in money like a Vegas casino.

At least one not owned and operated by Donald Chump, of course.

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I can't wait until she starts reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

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Leave it to the liberal press to get all upset before all the facts are swept under the rug.

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