Doglio is one of my reps. And Jessica Bateman is the other rep in this district. So, what I’m saying is that after years of living in districts represented by various horrors in various states and the occasional Blue Dog turned Big Pharma Whore (looking at you, Kurt Schrader), I keep thinking I’ve died and gone to heaven.

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Ta, Robyn. Good going, WA.

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These Washington Dems are being the kind of commies I like!

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Buncha commies!

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The food service workers, maintenance workers, and janitorial workers at The Ohio State University medical facilities went on strike for higher pay. Their strike benefits were more than they took home on the job.

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This is a big fucking deal.

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Yay! It's a relief to have that safety net next time my husband's contract expires if negotiations fall through and the possibility of a strike looms. I love watching WA compete with MA and MN for who will be the Race to the Top winner.

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Bet that pisses of Howard Schultz.

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Now if Washington would stop being a hire at will, fire at will state.

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Like 48 other states.

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I think I can hear the wailing coming out of Eastern Washington from Spain.


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This is one of the reasons I love living in WA...

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Yeah, it really does make a difference living in a civilized, normal state, doesn't it?

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"passed late Tuesday night by a 53-44 vote, with five Democrats choosing to side with Republicans against it — Reps. Mike Chapman, Debra Entenman (who is not the heiress to a coffee cake fortune, I checked and it’s spelled differently), Larry Springer, My-Linh Thai, and Amy Walen."

I truly appreciate the detail of including the names of the turncoat dems that voted against it...Good to know for the next election cycle!

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The Washington State Standard is where the real reporters went, most notably Jerry Cornfield from the Everett paper.

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First Washington forced the poor oppressed health insurance companies to stop discriminating against trans people and now they help striking workers? I gotta either move to Washington or convince another state to be more like them.

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Republicans in North Carolina did have to borrow to keep the unemployment insurance fund solvent during the Bush recession. When it came time to pay it back they dropped the federally funded expansion six months early. Because they could and it would get those lay abouts out working in jobs that were still not available. Then instead of raising employers unemployment insurance rates a little they cut the top benefit payment significantly, already low by national standards, and lopped off several weeks of entitlement, down to a maximum of I think 11 weeks. I guess so they could still be the worst as a few other red states dropped it to 12 weeks. Does Washington state hate capitalism and corporations, who are also people you know!

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"When it came time to pay it back they dropped the federally funded expansion six months early. Because they could and it would get those lay abouts out working in jobs that were still not available."

How does a state have the RIGHT to deny FEDERAL money to a citizen who pays FEDERAL taxes...Its not a state's money to give OR withhold

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Won't someone please think of the poor job creators?

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