yeah, cause.....the last time any meaningful legislation was passed in the house was when pelosi was whuppin ass in the house?...but now the districts are so gerrymandered that even tho dem house candidates get over a million more votes than the republican candidates, R's still have a chokehold on the house, and refuse to do anything but fuck us over?

and even tho hillary clinton won the pop vote by over 3million votes, but because of foreign and domestic treasonous meddling and an archaic anti-democratic bullshit elector system, a raving maniac and his seditious, govt-destroying cronies are about to be let loose to bring on chaos, the crashing of our economy, and possibly a major war within months, yet you, genius mike flores, declares, in all his genius glory, that the pelosi-clinton 'wing' must go...khaa-rYst, what a maroon

well, since no one else has gotten around to it, i guess i'll have to do the dirty deed...maybe you should go fuck yourself--youknow--with those extra 3 million votes

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my bet is on #2

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Country Joe McDonald, "Fixin' To Die Rag":

And it's one, two, three,What are we fighting for?Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,Next stop is Vietnam;And it's five, six, seven,Open up the pearly gates,Well there ain't no time to wonder whyWhoopee! We're all gonna die.

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AOT,K, Why Not Both?

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Whereever they're made, they phone home to the KGB.

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AND Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and whereever his long-form birth certificate came from.

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So THAT'S where he got his idea!

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You might have heard this one somewhere.

(note: the video is /horrible/. Don't watch the video, just listen to the track)https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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This is a hot take.

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It's not just the electronic music aspect, it's their style and "creative" use of dissonance and clashing chords and repetitive hooks.

It takes some getting used to, and it definitely "picks its audience"

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i'd rather it were neither, but i don't think it will be up to me.

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America installs a Kremlin puppet in the White House, then saber rattles against China. I don't blame the rest of the world for shaking their heads and passing the popcorn.

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We are a Republic mfp, not a democracy. Our founders did not want Presidents elected, as they did not trust the masses. But they didn't put that in the Constitution and Martin van Buren came up with conventions, fake primaries, cash for government jobs, massive hiring of government workers to ensure loyalty to the party. As for your smugness.....

You can get away with the smugness with college kids in safe zones, but I am your worse nightmare. I KNOW HISTORY. History is liberalism's kryptonite.

When Democrats supported the KKK and used them to terrorize black neighborhoods, they had nothing to be smug about. 1/3 of the people lynched, were white Republicans. That shouldn't make you smug, but it probably does. Today in Democratic cities like Chicago, secret locations are used to torture people who haven't even been charged with a crime. That may make you smile ( you can search it POLICE TORTURE IN CHICAGO THE GUARDIAN) but among people with ethics we find your support of such actions repugnant.

In Chicago where President Obama is from billions were stolen to make him President and to try and get the Olympics. I'm sure that makes you smile. Firemen, police, teachers, all robbed by guess which party? You feel smug over this?

5 Presidents who were KKK. Including one who dropped two atomic bombs after the Emperor tried to surrender for a year. While you high five yourself I feel sick.

Who opened the nation up to the Soviet Union for spies?

Vietnam? You gotta be kidding.

Did you ever notice that Democrats do the things they say others are going to do? They mock Trump for saying he might do a recount, say that is unpatriotic and childish.Who then does the recount?At considerable expense?And how many times have they screamed and yelled- over things they do without any screaming or yelling? When Bernie won state after state, the Superdelegates stepped in voting for Hillary, making the popular votes null and void. Where was the outrage?One law for them, another one for us.

If you don't lose the contempt and smugness, the open hatred of the working class and middle class you will lose, lose, lose.

I know you guys are proud that Bill got Scientology tax free status. That he spoke to the UN about accepting the group and as President had meetings with German leaders asking them to drop the ban on the group. Meetings they walked out of, insulted a President would do such a thing.

The next time you feel smug, look at a picture of a lynching.

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oh look, it's another history-knowing genius trying to equate democrats of today with democrats of 100 or even 60 yrs ago, when everyone in the fucking world but YOU knows False Equivalency, asshole, and the rest of your bullshit isnt even worth reading, so go fuck yourself

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Taking us to war with another superpower, and he's not even president yet...talk about efficiency!

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