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With the Cuban tag-team splitting the vote, Trump is a shoo-in. The Republicans knew they had a deep bench, but they never expected Trump to stick it in them and break it off.

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This is just world class is what this is. I congratulate you, sir or madam!

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That's what all the Bernie-Bros tell me, too. "She's corrupt, a War something-something, blood-up-to-her-elbows" and further yadda yadda.

I don't get it either. She's been under a microscope her whole freaking life! I think she rocks because she's never let it get to her, at least publicly or professionally. As Sec of State, she met with every tin-pot dictator out there.

Good enuf for me!

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This just in - dead horse #1 has attracted more flies than dead horse #2 and appears to be in the lead at present.

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He was of course accompanied by Greg "I expect to be your running mate" Abbot.

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i bet it's daring

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"I've thought about making a proposal to 'Trix for some sort of column giving me a chance to snark at you all"

Yes, ^^ That...

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he should have used a better cryotube

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Given the stakes at stake in November, I don't care if she shot someone on 5th Avenue (with votes) I'd still walk uphill both ways with bread bags in my boots to vote for her. In fact, Imma canvass uphill both ways with bread bags in my boots to get out the vote for her. And Imma Bernie commie!

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IOW, a day. I wish.

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Yup, we'll just take out however much money we want from your paycheck and spend it on charter schools and carpet bombing.

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