There are a lot of seriously religious people in Ohio. This bill will appeal to them and get them to vote republican even though it won't actually do anything.

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But what about the undead?

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Oh, that's just goofy.

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Unless we pass the "Senator Johnson, Do Not Fuck Those Goats" bill in order to create a reporting mechanism, how can we know this Senator Johnson does not in fact fuck goats, HMMMM???

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The Born Alive thing always kinda reminds me of The Anti-Kitten-Burning Coalition from the Slacktivist blog - people getting righteously angry about something that...no one is in favor of and is, in fact, already a crime. The AKBC just needs another way to feel like courageous lone warriors for good, not like YOU PEOPLE.

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It's voluntary ignorance. It's coming from a culture that tells them other gods are demons, and not to be believed in.

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See! He has proof, we just don't have the official reporting mechanism! Wayne, we need your support on this bill!

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Plenty of people think it does. In fact, many major churches say that obedience is in fact one of the highest virtues and the greatest sin- the original one, in fact- was disobedience. There is not one definition of morality. That's why there's libraries of works on the subject and not just a fridge magnet.

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"Incapable" and "unwilling" are not the same thing.Stubbornness is not a mental illness. Neither is fear.

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Jim Adler is going to sue him.

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This is AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Republicans have difficulty telling the truth. When abortion is involved, they find it impossible. They are all too eager to fantasize about Cannibalistic Satanic BabyKillers.

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It would be irresponsible not to assume, especially after reading it on the Internet.

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Are working uterus-havers supposed to mail their used menstrual products to Lebanon, OH?Already happened in TX, years ago: Women Are Sending Used Tampons to the Governor of Texas In Protest of the New Abortion Rule

Just as a reminder, abortion is safe and legal. If you live in Texas, though, it might not seem that way. The state has numerous laws in place that make it tough for women to access abortion in the first place, and when they do access it, other laws make it an even more unpleasant experience. One of those laws was passed recently, forcing women who get abortions to bury or cremate their fetus at their own cost, literally making women pay a price for accessing a legal aspect of health care.Well, women in Texas have something to say about that. According to the Daily Dot, women across the state are sending Governor Greg Abbott their used, bloody tampons in protest of the new law.

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