Is it okay to disown a child for being gay?

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Because my life is more important than some stray sperm. My eggs, my life.

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I was trying to be sarcastic, but it doesn't really come off that way, does it?

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I have a son with developmental disabilities. It is not easy. In fact it is downright hard. They always try tug at the heartstrings of people. But I see the looks these redstaters give my son. And sadly, so does he.

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Its not just a talking point either, they are not supposed to be political and that is exactly what they are.Beto is right about this too.

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Every sperm is precious, after all.

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Answer: lobbying $$, most possibly Russian, from the NRA.

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Freedom for old rich white males.

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I should have used scare quotes there instead of parentheses, but you caught the gist. If I'm refusing vaccinations because I don't want my kid to be different, how is that different from getting an abortion because I don't want my kid to be different

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fetus =/ child-- nice conflation thoughShould a parent be legally required to donate an organ to his/her in need child?

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you sound nice

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my point

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Your 'point' was a question.

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We shall unite once the revolution comes , oops I’ve said too much

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