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There is actually a right-wing douche on that other site I frequent that advocates scaling back on women's rights.

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Hey...I need a link for that. I've got some free time this afternoon and I want make some heads explode.

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Check that out! Obama's even DUMBER when you take that "57 states" and add the dumbness of Noman!

His dumbness could become infinite with a few more Republiunatics!!!1 LETS GO PEOPLE!!!

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I remember hearing something like this relating to the 1920's. Culturally, the nation was moving forward really quickly: the rise of flappers, liberated women, and jazz, and speakeasies. At the same time, the conservasaurs and their Anti-Saloon League were forcing through Prohibition.

Optimism? Sure, but there's precedent.

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Is that your good Sunday shaming finger you're wagging at us?? Your mom's gonna kill you when you get that thing all covered in poop, in here!

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Because it's Ohio?

I've asked a lot of people.

Nobody likes you.

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this is only tangentially related, but this put me in mind of 'children of men' and DAMN that was a <i>fine</i> movie.

clive owen is pretty fine too.

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shorter ohio: baby fail.

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See, the thing is, the first amendment protects you from the government telling you to shut up. Our Wonkette is a community of largely like-minded individuals. Anybody may participate in this community, but there cannot be realistic expectation that somebody diametrically opposed to the basic ideas we generally share will be greeted with an outpouring of upfists. We all respect your right to have differing opinions, but, in this forum, have no obligation to respect the opinions themselves. And, since we are not the government, we can and will tell you to shut it.

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In better news: Right now there is a parade in downtown Columbus being lead by a semi-truck full of SB5 repeal petitions.

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you're cracking me up today.

as you often do.

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That's OK ... if a former fetus ends up brain-dead, the fundies and conservatards will be back to protect his or her Constitutional right to mechanical ventilation, as the founders intended. It's just during that pesky in-between stage that they don't care about your health, education, or welfare. (But at least you get a gun, which is helpful.)

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More likely, four-week abortions will be available once every fifth week.

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True, true. The repetition certainly is a snooze.

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Life begins at erection.

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