Can you imagine the depths of despair you'd have to be in to send your child away to walk through a desert alone? And then these - I'm sorry, there is no other word - motherfuckers want to throw them in jail, starve them, and send them back. We should be finding the parents and bringing them here.

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I read that as Pluto, because it made sense. Either way.

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Yes, except for "good".

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You know who <i>else</i> wanted to keep children in camps?

WAIT! This is just too depressing. Parents are giving up their children to save their lives. Let me say it again: They are giving up their babies. And Ohio State Representative John Adams thinks America should turn them away. Because he thinks we're all like him: assholes.

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Hemlock smoothies at the bar! Oh wait...that was Socrates. My bad...but, hemlock smoothies!

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I can identify in some small way with Rep. Adams and his nasty-ass, totalitarian hypocrisy. I like to consider myself laid-back and compassionate, and yet I would like to be a vengeful god right now. I would visit some mighty whup-ass on his pasty, pockmarked behind. With votes. And possibly some lightning bolts.

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Sadly, this kind of thing probably makes her hot. "Oh John say it. Say it! Say 'not our kids, not our problem'"

Also...ain't he a smug lookin' feller?

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He could make hemlock smoothies from it though!

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<em>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!</em>

As do the other villagers, and collectively we drive those monsters away.

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Look I'm from Ohio and yes we have some crazy dumb son of a bitches here also too.We really need some help here with skull fucking these morons with an ice pick in the eye hole, iffin any of you would like to help it would be greatly appreciated

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