I'm not sure if using that picture is libelling Michele or Jane Fonda.

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*Cue a rousing rendition of "Peg O' My Heart."*

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<i>But with Rex sending her female pleasure machines I’m sure it pushed her over the edge!</i>

Isn't that pretty much the purpose of it?

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I thought it was Marcus who always had the headache.

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Ick, the thought...

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You young ladies may not know "Female Pleasure Machine" is my Bar Name.

Just sayin'.

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And out of her!

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So Michele, what’s the Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

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I'm not sure those photo links to "#1 WORST Food For Weight Gain (Stop Eating This!)" are a good idea next to this story.

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Either that or Marcus. OH WAIT! Nevermind.

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There are no atheists in bed.

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She complains about having things (e.g. democratically enacted laws) rammed down her throat, but she doth protest too much methinks.

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Wait! Perhaps Michele <i>is</i> the Female Pleasure Machine. She has a certain robotic, Fortran air about her.

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"Nobody Really Bought ‘Female Pleasure Machine’ For Michele Bachmann"

She lacks the capacity for pleasure. Look at who she married.

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Note to self... remember to check that website with the sale on the Hitachi wand when I get home.

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