I read an update on Gawker

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This gun <strike>nut</strike> enthusiast looks a lot like our good friend George Zimmerman, if George were trying to pass himself off as Steve Jobs. <a href="http://newsok.com/article/5..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://newsok.com/article/5386624?scrolling_list=...">http://newsok.com/article/5...

Scary fact: the cop who was shot (4 times in the chest) borrowed his armored vest at the last moment.

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I had no idea you could get a kangaroo at the shelter. I'll have to check it out.

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No "two-second rule" in Oklahoma? Maybe they make allowances because, you know, <i>Oklahoma.</i>

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Must be pretty dull being a survivalist in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma. This, at least, gave him something to survive.

How the fuck he pulled it off, we'll never know.

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South Africa probably has lot of surplus skin-color charts. I see an export market developing here.

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The poor guy must feel lke the new sheriff in "Blazing Saddles".

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I believe the whole thing hangs on the subsequent fact that the 911 call did not actually come from his residence, therefore he had no way to know it was the cops storming his front door (other than their repeated shouts identifying themselves as such). It's still BS though...

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What did he do? He woke up in the morning, that's what!

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Sure, "easy to do when the hacky drama writes itself," but 99% of people would call the plot preposterously stupid.

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Horton's confusion was entirley understandable, and I blame the decision of the police to arrive in black helicopters, instead of dozens of police cars with hundreds of flashing blue lights, and announcing through bullhorns that "this is the police" like they <strike>usually</strike> always do.

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Jeebus! It's lunchtime here on the east coast, I go to Wonkette for much needed sanity and I see hairy dude with phallic symbol. YEWWW!!! Sammich time ruint ...

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Memo to the police chief: “I’ve known that kid all of his life" is not quite the same as "released on his own recognizance."

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...how long before this "Gun Enthusiast" is booked on Hannity?

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If all four shots came within half a second, there might be grounds for an arrest.

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