I'm just guessing here, but I doubt there is much overlap between Oklahoma Republicans and Ben & Jerry's aficionados.

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Yeah, like there's no overlap between Mormons and Pornhub users.

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Arizona has the same law as OK. It was one of those ALEC things.

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AZ also too. You can thank ALEC.

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Sit next to Jenna Ellis.

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To Republicans, getting upset is supposed to be humiliating. When Sonia Sotomayor was in her confirmation hearing, this enraging statement was made by Lindsay Graham. (BTW, why was he standing, looking down at her when he said this? Pretty informal and insulting-- but I'm almost positive that's how it was.) He said, "unless you have some kind of meltdown..." He said this into the face of a totally poised, friendly woman who was there because of her personal greatness. Such a repugnant old effeminate old creep.

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They also are staying in Israel, just not in the occupied part, that legally isn't part of Israel, anyway.

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They did, they posted photos of the ice cream in the trash, with a few bites taken out, hilarious.

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I only buy/eat Cherry Garcia - it limits my ice cream purchases since it is seldom available where I shop.

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I think ALEC is responsible for 90% of all the crappy laws the Republicans pass

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Too soon for an anti-Semitic joke about the chemical used to murder millions of innocent Jews ? Yes, I think so. But thanks for proving anti-Semitism exists on the left as well.

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An inbred Okie hillbilly bible-thumper is saying he knows more about Israel than Ben Cohen, who is Jewish. Meanwhile, the war-criminal government of Israel is having bigly butthurtz because Ben & Jerry's refuses to distribute their product to criminal Israeli swine living in illegally-seized lands they stole from Palestinians.

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What would you like the Israeli's to do? Land for Peace did not work. Abandoning Gaza led to Hamas controlling it and attacking Israel. The PA is incredibly corrupt an oppressive.

What would you like the Palestinians to do? Making peace takes two sides.

If you think Israel would ever go back to the 1949 borders, including losing control of the Western Wall, or just owning the top of Mount Scopos, you aren't serious about peace.


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I'd say the correlation of your example is markedly high than mine.

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Deprive people...of...their ice cream. Deprive people of...their ice cream? DEPRIVE PEOPLE OF THEIR ICE CREAM.

Oh my God, it's dessert tyranny! Fuck health care, we gotta get on the people's right to ice cream train NOW or else they'll come for your ice cream next!!

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My post wasn't about what Israel should do. It simply made the point that what that nation has been trying for the past several decades hasn't worked.

It's time to try something new.

You present one side. As you point out, there are at least two sides to this very serious issue.

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