BTW, klaatu barada nikto.

Thought you'd like to know.

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I've never liked him, and I'm actually not suprised about this at all.Meanwhile, I will NOT get over Joy Reid being a homophobe and have not watched her since.

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Submitted without Commentary:

The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophetsand your people who revere your name, both great and small—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”Revelation 11:18, NIV (emphasis mine)

Yeah, Republican Earth-fuckers. Even the Bible that you (claim to) revere, denounces your malignant, Earth-raping ethos.

Wait, did I say without Commentary? Oh, sorry. My bad.

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That ain't the rumor we've been chatting about in my little corner of the internet Jerry, but ok...

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It’s what I had available. I didn’t “proactively” choose it.

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That’s why gods are created.

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If there was a mandatory retirement age of 75, Obama would have replaced her in 2009 when he had a supermajority in the Senate, and we would not be here now.

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Obviously, and not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's a mechanism for eliminating entrenched interests in Congress. And before you say it, getting private money out of politics and ending gerrymandering are also parts of this.

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OT: was in Central Maine this past weekend - first time out of my Cambridge bubble since lock down. The number of Drumpf signs I saw was truly fucking scary.

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Upside of living in a solid-blue state means I get to spread my political donations all around the country, and happy to have added Ms. Abby Broyles to my list! I know it's a long shot, but it would be so fucking sweet to get rid of Inhofe.

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Good question! She hasn't run over any deserving Dogma in a scary long time...

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I dunno. There's a pretty compelling argument that the world already ended and this is hell. Doesn't explain the existence of cats and doggos.

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I've blocked Pornhub's "Snowballing With Inhofe" category on my home network.

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Redwood trees really only live a few thousand years, so burning down every few years should be great for them. Speaking of which, hanging out here among my coastal redwoods, clearing all of the combustibles near my house, and preparing for the first red flag fire warning for my area in the 47 or so years (off and on) that I have lived here is also great. Maybe I should have cleaned my gutters this year after all, rather than letting the redwood leaves continue to compost up there . . .

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Maybe not, but I can read:

"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." --Matthew 12:30

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