If the Republicans has any sense, they would have embraced ObamaCare all while telling voters it was a Republican idea - their 2012 nominee did something similar while governor. But nah, embracing the racism was more prudent.

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They had a choice to either share credit with Obama or sabotage it in order to deny him a win.

We all know what they chose.

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That always baffled me but, then I thought, they think Obama is trolling them with their own idea, and they’re afraid he’s going to come out and laugh at them if they go for it. Then I thought, nah, it’s the racism.

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They should have named it the "Pew Pew Grill."

If I'm not free to give the public a case of pork trichinosis, well then I don't even want to live in this country anymore.

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yes BUT he acknowledged Scarlet, which was clearly important to her and mum didnt feel so bad. We should always acknowledge young people.

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I think Scarlet was thrilled to have been included in the grownup's conversation

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Um... call me?

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AS is correct. Parents who work from home should never have to apologize for their kids just being kids. Now, if Scarlet had been constantly interrupting then it would have been a different matter

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The only real people in America are white, live on farms and ranches and whose votes count 10x as much as somebody living in Los Angeles.

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Which makes sense really. At this point you would have to be batshit crazy to support them.

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Support your local sheriff!


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I bet he could sue Wharton and get most of his money back for what they taught him.

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Let us ask people who do not even live here what they thinkWait.What?

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Dems divisively point out Republicans full out racist assholes-Bret Bedbug

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