Please review the rules. We're not allowing the suffix t-a-r-d anymore; we never should have, but we've only recently added it to the word filter.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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The dumb ones got lost and ended up in Idaho.

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I used to send him emails whenever my state had record-breaking high temperatures in the winter. I hope he appreciated it.

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You're like our own vile, nasty Martha Stewart without an insider trading conviction (I'm assuming).

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My fantasy Wednesday morning is to wake up with Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan as my Senators, Nan Whaley my Governor, and, just as important for the state, Jennifer Brunner as Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court. Her opponent's a MAGAt, and everyone in the business community is scared shitless she'll get in.

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Vile and nasty? Moi?

Who have you been talking to?

*scowls menacingly in Fukui's direction*

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And it hides the feces stains well also, too.

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Michigan State University had a deck off the dining hall of one dorm, nice in the spring with lots of big trees with lots of squirrels. They got their share of fries, but they were polite. They'd hang out on the railing and move in for any leftovers after the students left.

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I decided not to get a ticket, no matter how wonderful the fantasies were. I imagine the first thought that would go through my head if I won the whole kit and kaboodle would be, "Oh holy shit. What have I done?"

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"Jack Gray Horse Pull at No. 6 Saloon, formerly known as Brian Gay's Bar. (Sponsored by Brian Gay and the Gray Family)"

I suspect I know why he changed the name of the bar. But still weird synchronicity that the sponsors are Gay and Grays.

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It’s like reading police reports in small-town weeklies. “Man complains about neighbor’s dog. It turned out not to be his dog.”

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Who am I to quibble? The preacher was kind of an excitable boy, they all said.

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Turns out there's two senate races in Oklahoma, and the Democrats are both women named Horn.

We have two women running for the county school board, Monika (D) and Monica (R). Monica was walking around just outside the polling location doing some last-minute campaigning today when we went out to vote early. She was right there on the edge of the "no campaigning beyond this point" zone.

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My family once took me to New Ulm, MN, to celebrate Massacre Day, commemorating the August 1862 attack by Dakota Indians that killed some 500 white settlers. I was 7.

Nowadays they've renamed it "the Brown County Free Fair," which isn't nearly as catchy. https://business.newulm.com...

Full disclosure: a distant relative of mine was a survivor of that massacre. A small boy at the time, his mother hid him in a cornfield. A neighbor family took him in afterwards, since his whole family had been killed. I was told that's why he developed epilepsy, which plagues my family to this day.

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I don’t remember him! So I guess that proves your point!

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