technically, good guy with gun stopped bad guy with knife. If the bad guy had had a gun, a) higher body count; b) guns would be outlawed so muslins can't get 'em.

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When a terrorist posts a beheading on the Internet, it's to scare you into political change. When Jim Hoft posts an article about beheading on the internet, it is to scare you into political change.

Fear is the most powerful tool, employed by idiots everywhere.

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Certainly takes "hostile workplace" to a whole different level.

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Amazing how many of these brain-dead mofos think they're literally entitled to throw the first stone.

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Good luck getting the natives to put together a working democracy.

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<i> the need to stone women if they violated Islamic law.</i>

Big dummy would still have a job if he only claimed the need to stone women if they violated<i> Christian</i> law like a reel jeebus luvin' 'murican.

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Any philosophy that can be put "in a nutshell" belongs there.

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The COO was also an off-duty reserve sheriff, or something like that, so not just an average citizen "hero".

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So if he had decided to use the tried and true method of workplace violence (i.e., shoot everything that moves), could we call it that then?

Workplace violence is workplace violence, whether it's done by blade or bullet.

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What with the ghey, Nazi, muslin, illegal messican agendas all pretty much taking over the country at once, it's getting more and more difficult for me to resist goose-prancing across the border to steal the votes of -- and then behead (with those same votes!) -- rich, white, christian americans.

Run Louie Ghomert, run!

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