No, somebody didn't.

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well I can testify it applies to Oklahoma too. Best seen through the rearview mirror on your way to New Mexico.

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Oklahomans, I am an ordained Dudeist, so cover my round trip plane ticket from Cali and throw in a case of beer and I'd be happy to marry you and your guy, gal, person who identifies as a guy, person who identifies as a gal, or any other type of consenting adult. Or have your local friends go online and get ordained too. You know, whatever, man.

Just saying, Republicans, there are a lot of us out here who'd be happy to marry two people who love each other.

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It's Okla-fucking-homa. Who cares?

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So, now, if Bubba Sue shows up with the wedding certificate for him and his goat herd, it's all hunky dory at the court house?

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Yes. It specifically mentions Quaker, Bahá'i and Mormon congregations who can pick any authorised person to sign the certificates.

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This Bill seems to put marriage squarely under religious leaders. What about the "Freedom FROM Religion? Will there be no such thing as a secular wedding? Aren't they also the State who is trying to mandate blood tests before you can get married? If so, does the bill cover how that will be managed? So many ways OK screws up anything they touch.

Edit: Just read the bill - WoW! What a mess it is. In re-reading it again, it seems like the words they are using to specify what religious entities who can perform a marriage eliminate pretty much anyone who is not Christian or Jewish. They will only approve "Recognized Assemblies." I could be wrong, but with the garbled language used, seems to be open to a lot of speculation.

Pre-marital counseling anyone??

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I thought about that too. How could the State be involved in the divorce process if they weren't involved in the marriage process? Would those same "religious leaders" have to approve a divorce? That would prove very inter est ing with the many times married & divorced RWingers and the dictates of they BuyBull against divorce wouldn't it. Me thinks this is going to create one of the biggest clusterf*cks in their history. Moer popcorn please.

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only thing I want to know, if they get divorced, are they still cousins?

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my dad and step mom were married by the OM guru guy

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all hands on deck!

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Well this is the perfect time for me to get ordained! I promise, not all us Oklahomies are idiots.

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Good point. If two men marry the same woman the officiant could just register two certificates. If all three wanted to be poligimarried to each other then the register three certs.

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The whole getting a license from the State to get married thing is an antique anyway. This is actually not a bad governmental idea and all that really needs to be done is to license all officiants to file certificates. Paperwork reduction!

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I think they've dug their own grave with that "recognized assemblies" provision. So the Oklahoma government bodies are going to "recognize" some assemblies for marriage purposes, leaving others "unrecognized" and unapproved for marriage filing purposes? If the bill is adopted I see ACLU suing in 3..2..1..

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No, no, only in church. As long as Bubba Sue keeps up on his tithes....

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