thanx, from what i am learning, i will need it. ag is king here.

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Many years ago, we in Canada had a politico who said the poor should be able to raise their children without help because hey! didn't wild birds raise their young all on their own?

The scornful laughter that met this comment knocked him off his chair and right out of office. So perhaps he moved to Oklahoma?

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Some of the worst stuff is right there in Paul's Epistles, which also have very little to do with the preachings of Jesus, and a whole lot to do with getting into bed with the Roman Empire. Why this sorry-ass religion has stayed so popular is beyond me.

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It's worse than that. The Taliban are Islamic fundamentalists and the Qur'an is always going on about how charity to the poor is a big priority, bigger massively than women wearing tents or avoiding beer-battered pork chops.

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That sounds very nice. So, when does the Oklahoma Republican Party announce its decision to oppose subsidies for oil companies?

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Those aren't subsidies. Those are "credits." F-ing credits (fracking, fucking, potato...)

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Know the facts and share them. Be the asshole that ruins dinner and embarrass the wingnut jackass you didn't invite in the first place.

All snark aside, the facts and Republican bullshit do not line up.

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They have been trying.

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And plenty more that could do great things with a little support and opportunity.

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The prejudicial presumptions and favorite right wing talking points ...

-- that federal assistance for families struggling to make ends meet will only promote sloth, -- that those who are out of work would prefer to subsist on welfare rather than be gainfully employed,-- that only unemployed people need food stamps,-- and that poor people are inherently inferior to those who earn a more substantial income

... are completely baseless and perpetuate the ignorance-based stereotype of people in need as being lazy parasites on society … no doubt a deliberate tactical decision by the callous propaganda peddlers in the right wing blogosphere.

Congressional Republicans to constituents: "Can't make ends meet? It sucks to be you!"

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More like Governor Mary FAILIN amirite ladies?

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That's not the end of the elephant I think of when I read stuff like this.

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But that's different- we have to incentivize them to do the right thing, unlike the poorz, who we shame and ridicule and moral scold into doing the right thing. Totes different...

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Don't let that stop you from replying to the excuse for removing it they posted.

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Temple to the sun?

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I had a former friend ridicule me once for getting a rent subsidy while I was a single mother in college. Then I checked her out--her husband, a well-to-do farmer, had been getting a farm subsidy check in the mail for the past 17 years. For almost $3500 a month.

But I was the moocher. Uh-huh.

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