Something else to keep in mind is that Al himself was put off by Willieghazi. He voluntarily distanced himself from Bubba, whose popularity among Democrats <i>rose</i> because of the the <strike>witch hunts</strike> scandals. That was the biggest reason Gore didn't win handily.

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hangin in his bitchin camaro i would think.

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it really is joe biden's world and we just live in it.

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Darrell Issa, you get back to investigatin' THIS INSTANT!

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Satire. How does it work?

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I had an old Zenith, but I smashed it and put it on the curb yesterday

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There is that... I guess every dark cloud really does have a silver lining

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You've got to admit, that's an awesome pic of Gramps McCrash

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Impercepitably, it appears.

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But at least he can fall back on the accolades of having invented the internet...

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try adding more fiber to your diet

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those peeps are some weapons grade stupid

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Racism... Riiiiiiight...


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something to keep in mind as we watch the circus of sandals unfold these days- the small but crucial margin of votes that went to W thanks to the scandal circus of slick Willie's willie and the ghost of Vince Foster et al. While it may at times seem to be small minded petty mud slinging, what the GOP is really doing is relentlessly playing all the angles. A few people get disgusted with "Washington" or "government" and stay home on election day, a few buy into the "corrupt Dems" nonsense and switch their votes and it can turn an election. It's too damn bad that the Republicans don't put a fraction of the effort into actually governing that they do into winning...

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When are you libs going to give up on this fantastical idea that there was a republican in office before Obama.

You are just trying to shift the blame for the huge economic clusterfuck and those two quagmire wars that Obama got us into, and especially the 9/11 attacks, which would never have happened under a conservative president.

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