Goddamned despicable racist asshole motherfuckers.

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It’s good people like you (and Evan) that make this world a better place.

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Well, gotta say that claiming 1st amendment rights here is as legitimate as t...p bitching about Twitter.

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Sir this is America! History stops at the assassination of Lincoln, does not start back up until WWII, and then abruptly stops with the assassination of Kennedy. How dare you talk about something that happened outside of those approved times, especially if it portrays black people in a positive light

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It's actually always how the critical race theory starts, as anyone who's read Professor 's The Color of Money knows -- as our banking system, ag system, and land finance system in this country are all notoriously and historically racist

Federal Subsidies for White Landowners Only


IINM this might also be a really good time historically to revisit the great work of one of the originators of critical race theory, Professor Derrick Bell


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"We honor veterans, but not what they say, unless they are saying nice things about White people or bad things about Black people, either way is good with us."

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As a white person who, over time and through experience, grew wiser and quit toeing the line, I can say Yep. The white racist establishment will cut you out of the story the hot second they realize you’ve stopped supporting their narrative. It’s especially pronounced in the South, where people I know have lost jobs when their bosses discovered they supported BLM or the NAACP.Thankfully things are changing. But I always LOL when I hear them say “cancel culture”. Bitch, please - the Establishment has been cancelling antiracists for centuries.

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You sound as if you know these people firsthand! I’m impressed...

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I was 25 watching open yale civil war classes on company time cause I had all my certs done. Anyway the professor brought up this Memorial day thing and how the mass grave was at a horse racing course. The name of the course was The Race Course.

The Martyrs of the race course.


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And NOW, of course, thanks to the Streisand Effect, millions more people are going to hear his original speech than if they had just let him talk.

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I am jaw dropped gaping appalled. I know we see stuff like this a lot, but I really can't even this time. The hubris, the entitlement, the mind searing bigotry and the flat out rudeness of this action are beyond my ability to process.

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Cindy Suchan is apparently “popular now” on Facebook. And how are the origins of a holiday not pertinent to the celebration of the holiday? She’d have hated going to my church around Christmas time, what will all that talk about Jesus and the manger and the Three Wise Men.

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Just what I got out of a history education in a conservative part of the state. I know many of these people

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Guessing Jim and Cindy also support the Blue Lives Don't Matter Now Insurrectionists Other Capitol Ball also; too.

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Also probably all over the Interwebz defending Confederate monuments because “y0U cAn’T eRasE HisToRy!!!!!1!11!!!”

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Fuck you both, Cindy and Jim.

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