Or they're not doing it right.

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That truly sounds awful to me under normal circumstances. I have claustrophobia in crowds, and when my parents went they told me they were in the crowd outdoors for like 6 hours. No thanks.

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I don't like leaving my house in the winter once it's dark out. Six hours outside in New York in December/January no thanks.

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I had a ticket to see her that I'd bought just before the lockdown. Unfortunately, she ended up just cancelling the show, not postponing it.

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The US isn't the richest nation in the world, we're just home to several billionaires.

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I got my flu shot in September and I honestly thought about complaining to the management about the woman who gave it to me. I am not a cry-baby and I expect a shot to hurt a bit. This wasn't the injection itself, this was the way she wiggled the needle around while she was injecting. Usually the worse side effects I get from the flu shot is a slightly sore arm. This time I had a knot in my arm that lasted two weeks.

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I have been to Times Square exactly once, and just on a normal weekday afternoon I was so overstimulated I wanted to die.

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The clinic in my town pretty much prescribes everyone Vitamin D at their annual checkups, because Minnesota. “Because Minnesota” is probably an official diagnostic code.

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It’s cute that the CDC thinks people actually read dependent clauses.

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Yeah--the "excuse" is "I have an obligation to be a good parent and a good Christian, so I have to protect people where the church won't."

I am so infuriated by the "we're all sick of covid" bit. SO IS EVERYONE! What other thing in life do you get to just be "over" and then think that it's "over"? Hell, I was sick of the former guy's presidency for 4 years, yet I didn't get to declare it "over".

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people are MADE to wear a mask through the airport and then on their flight. I actually felt far safer on my flight than at my local Safeway

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Problem is in order to be tested the parents had to have consented. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the people likely to not follow covid safety recommendations are also not going to sign that form.https://twitter.com/Jill_Jo...

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I have recently spent time in four airports, including Chicago O'Hare, and mask compliance was abysmal. And definitely no enforcement.

Mask compliance on my flights was just as bad and the flight attendants had given up.

So, no. Flying is not safe at all.

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I went through Jackson Hole, Minneapolis and St. Louis yesterday and masks were actually very prevalent, and Delta did a really good job of keeping people wearing masks, so while YMMV I felt very safe.

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am so sorry. mine were international flights

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* The original video of the anti-vax/mask group getting arrested in Burger King was removed so that's why this might seem a little confusing. Probably because twitter now allows people to have images of them removed and maybe the star of the video decided it made him look bad.

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