bless all the frontline workers. I can't even begin to imagine.

fuck all the anti-vaxxers and cynical wingnut assholes telling their flocks not to get vaccinated to own the libs or some shit.

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Hmmm- very true, WC. And I bet Falcons don't get to eat cardamom cookies at Yule, either. Might have to reconsider this.

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OR coast here. Got boosted 2 days ago at Safeway. % of people in the store w/out mask seems to double every visit.

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I'm sorry, Dr. Fauci, I know you're right, but I have booked my first New Year's Eve gig in about 95 years, the venue will be open, and I'm going in. It may be my last gig ever, but it's a risk I'm prepared to take. (Triple vaxxed, all the musicians involved are triple vaxxed, I'm sure I'll survive in one form or another.)

My day gig is in software engineering at a big hospital in NYC. I lost a colleague to the virus at the beginning of the plague, we all saw the lines of ambulances waiting to get to the ER, the overcrowded ICUs, the refrigerator trucks on the street, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what more it would take to get a person of even below-average IQ to just get the bloody shots. I despise the dummies who refuse to get vaxxed, and even more so the opportunists who egg them on for whatever evil purpose they have in mind. Those people are the reason we have so many dead, and why we continue to provide a fertile environment in which the virus can thrive and mutate.

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So did much of Europe and their colonies prior to the 1750's. Ask a genealogist.

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>95% in Albuquerque.

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It allows you to infect others while protecting your selfish self.

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Are not all of them?

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You're supposed to peel them first.

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Sounds like the Republican Convention.

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No, you wear a mask inside the hood.

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Not in the first 10 minutes, anyway.

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Also Coyote.

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But Disney spoils EVERYTHING!

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Not all of them are full of shit. Unfortunately my sister’s church has a “leader” that requires them to follow his stupid lead right into poor choices and they are so devoted to that version of “Christianity” they will follow.

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I've been wearing the KN95 masks recently. They are easier to put on when you're wearing a winter hat.

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