Looters in fancy dress will be out in force next Wednesday.

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Or, in this case, by <i>not</i> apologizing.

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And trollop makeup. Or is that just his wife?

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Well obviously, if they hadn't plastered on the make up like a trollop, those cunts wouldn't have been raped. God's will!

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"I can't believe I'm losing to this guy." -Jon Lovitz as Michael Dukakis. Also, every Democrat that's currently behind in the polls. Seriously, America, WTF?

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The tradition of the non-apology apology is strong with these people. I'm beginning to think they don't know what the word "apology" means.

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Because shut up, that's why.

You nailed the "logic", alright, and it's inescapable if one views a fertilized egg as a human being. They'd better figure out a way to exempt wimmin from bllame, for ejecting all of those eggs spontaneously...

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Lack of consent doesn't enter into any of these important issues.

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Living with the child produced by rape for 18 years is 2 years longer than the rapes of Ronald Reagan"s and W's administrations combined.

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<blockquote>At his Wednesday press conference, Mourdock stood by his words and accused his opponents of "twisting" them. He said he was sorry if people had misinterpreted them the wrong way. </blockquote>

Wow. Perhaps they could give us a hint on how to misinterpret them the <i>right</i> way.

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He hopes the people of Indiana see through the critics' shuck and jive.

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Reunited and it feels so good. (Apologies to Peaches and Herb.)

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