I nearly didn't recognize him. Isn't he more often shirtless?

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...geez, they don't make these "back benchers" like they use to anymore.

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Why not make it $85 per hour, like Congress makes (assuming 40h week, ha ha)? Or pay Congress $7.50 per hour. That way we could have teenagers do the work.

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As usual, Republicans think more money for millionaires is an incentive to work harder. While more money for lower-income is a disincentive to work harder.

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We could cut his taxes AND his salary to zero, and he'll pay for himself... I think that's how it works...

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But some of them poorz wouldn't vote for me anyway, so like what's the point?

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...<strong>FYI</strong>: Shyt for brains, I was a manager for Wal-Mart(you know; the largest most profitable private employer in the U.S.)for 2 and half years. That company pays 2 pubic hairs shy of the minimum wage to beginning hourly workers...oh yeah and the average age of its employees is 27 years old.

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The minimum wage doesn't have to be a living wage, but we should couple it to other wages. Let's say minimum wage is 15% of Congressional pay. Or X% of some military rank's pay. Or enough to pay booze and smokes taxes in Kansas.

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Back? Or bottom?

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GOP arguments always end in "...ghazi".

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to be fair most T-critters have the emotional IQ of teenagers so yea, why not pay them like the pimply-faced idjits that they are.

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Yes, $10.10 per hour isn't enough to live on. But it is a whole hell of a lot more to live on than $7.25. And if someone's arguing for a $50/hour wage, I'd like to meet them and say hello to the unicorn they are astride.

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Baconz, darling, I don't know what time it is where you are, but do have yourself a wee cocktail and a deep breath. I can hear you hyperventilating from here, and we don't want you commenting from the ICU.

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There was a time when I didn't think I was smart enough to be in Congress. Boy, have the republicans ever changed my mind! They prove over and over again that "smart" and "congress" have nothing to do with one another.

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I see that someone helped him dress for the interview.

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