Even Ann Romney probably hasn't been able to reach an informed opinion on Mr. Etch-A-Sketch -- why should the public be expected to?

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Let's just say that they hired Google Earth for the job.

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You're implying something icky about principled people. They're proud of their values, and acknowledge the necessity to lie and torture in order to protect this great country of ours. A TV show on Fox clearly demonstrated that the ends do indeed justify the means - just as all those guys babbled about in New Testament times.

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Are we talking car-elevator large, or just something the size of a couple of Cadillacs?

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Like sitting on his hand until it goes numb so it feels like someone else is doing it?

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He could always steal a joke from "Humor in Uniform"... oh wait...

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<blockquote>Let’s hope for his sake that these voters aren’t female, Latino/a, black, gay, or Poors.</blockquote> But what about the Bitters? Who's got their votes? Or even remembers who they were? [Hint: they were also known as "Ceiling Cracks," at least to Ken Layne.]

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This is spectacular.

You give all us kids something to strive for.

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<i>Whose</i> hand ?!?

Those aren't pillows...

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...and can't understand why nobody - family, employees, peers - really "gets" him.

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Wouldn't the optics be better if they did that backstage, and then just used a handtruck or forklift to get "him" to the podium? (Less chance of the ambulation-subroutine barfing too.)

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Never forget. It goes to character.

If others are determined to mock what a 9-year-old kid was given for dinner when in the Philippines, they're gonna have the Cranbrook Sadist story shoved vigorously down their throat until they can taste coppery hair clippings.

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To not, not know him Is to not, not love him.

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And if he let a SS guy tie the shoe, he'd be uppity. And if he walked around with an untied shoe, he'd be stoooopid. And if he left the lace untied, and tripped, he'd be too much of a jetsetting clown to represent us to the world (and not vetted enough in '08).

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Stop playing the antivictim. People's freakin' prayers were answered to turn the storm away from Tampa, for Pete's sake. You have to campaign on the near-disaster you have, not the near-disaster you want to have.

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This is bad news for Stamford Christie.

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