Showing asses and elbows? Of course, Louie. Keep fisting that chicken!

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See? You can send an ignorant turd through college and law school and he still remains a ignorant turd.

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Gov Goodhair appointed him to the Texas Supreme Court.

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This is hard for me to say, but on balance it may be a good thing that Gomer is a Congressfuck and no longer a Texas judge.

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I wouldn't let that buffoon judge a hotdog eating contest.

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More rampant dickheadery?

I know there are people each side of the political aisle consider stupid, but are actually held in high regard by their partisan compatriots...but for fuck's sake can't we all, in the interest of national unity, recognize Gohmert, Santorum, and Bachmann as raving morons unfit for public office?

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So, this is good news for Chicken_Thief?

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I invite Rep Gohmert to stay in any of the closed embassies this week. For the sake of freedom. He's got to promise not to show his rear end and elbows. For the sake of world peace.

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Duct taping a defendant. That's not in the Constitution. It sounds more like Sharia Law.

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The forehead! The forehead! Make it stop!!

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