Former Reagan Navy Secretary John Lehman, a Romney surrogate, held a troubling conference call today that should terrify able-bodied, capitalist Cold Warriors everywhere: "We’re seeing the Soviets pushing into the Arctic with no response from us." Filthy conniving Reds...
you are quite extraordinarily funny today sir or madam.
Wouldn't that be an internal affair?
Me, I'm more concerned about who's going to avenge Jenkin's ear.
And the King of Prussia is in Pennsylvania.
Hej, Slováci, ešte naša slovenská reÄ Å¾ije, Dokiaľ naše verné srdce za náš národ bije.
Žije, žije, duch slovenský, bude žiÅ¥ na veky, Hrom a peklo, márne vaše proti nám sú vzteky!
The King of Bavaria is in a Des Moines bar at this very moment, hatching his evil plot. Mitt Romney will be all over that.
What's he planning to do about Prussia?