Shut the FUCK UP you're out of your element!

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Well, I'd have my hands on the rent boy then. Another difference from Republicans.

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I'd fight to keep Domino's delivery out of my secret compound. But bin Laden -- after hearing helicopters, shooting, people yelling, he's still in his PJs. Scratching his ass saying "Osama moved out last week, man. Owes me $200."

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"If I have a gun on one side of my bed and a woman on the other"

OBL = Hunter S. Thompson!

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Yeah...that would pretty much be the end of Barry's presidency.

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One things confuses me here...The Seals completely controlled the narrative. "Yep...he pulled a gun, we were in danger and we killed the fuck out of him." Yes, I know they go in with helmet cams, but really? In this day and age that couldn't be altered? Hell, I saw a movie not long ago where Sigourney Weaver was this 8 feet tall blue chick and that looked pretty damn real. It's great we're being honest and all, but sometimes it's best not to stir the shit any more than it needs to be.

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these things are the unknown unknowns.

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Any American cop would have fired 40-50 rounds and then only him him twice.

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That only make me love her more.

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"Further information suggests the compound was more of a chalet or dacha."

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No one ever thought Bin Laden had a chance of being taken alive, right?

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The "mansion" is looking more and more like an tenement in Hialeah.

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Ironic that Bristol has it better.

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